Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Shopping Fever

I wish I had something really profound to write about today....but I don't.

The fact is I have SPRING FEVER big time.

I have been spring cleaning this house, organizing closets, and planning spring get togethers. I'm ready for the cold wintry-like days to disappear and long warm days to reappear. I'm ready to go shopping for spring clothes for me and my family.

So, in honor of my Spring Fever I thought that I would share some of my fav 2011 clothes and accessories.

Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think of them.


Monday, March 14, 2011

I realize that I don't talk about him much...

Emmitt that is. He's my firstborn and today at 10:53 p.m. he turns 10 years old. That makes me a mom for a decade now. (How can that be because I'm so young)? HA!

I've been pondering in my heart over the past week his upcoming birthday. I wish I was one of those moms who is actually happy when they get older and do more things. That's not me. I tend to dread things. Be sad as they get older. I'm trying to find a happy medium there. I want to always cherish them being little but also be excited for the things they are becoming. (Hope that makes sense)?

Anyway...as I was thinking about him I realized that I don't talk about him too often. Certainly not as often as Carleigh lately who had her little Meteorologist Debut, or even as much as Miss Delaney who keeps us on our toes with the hilarious things that come out of her mouth.

It's because Emmitt is my quiet child. He's perfectly happy in his room for hours. When he has friends over I always think to myself...."Wow, boys are loud!" His old name suits his old soul well. He is sensitive so when he was little and doing something wrong, we could just give him a look and he would start crying. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days when he was little. He and I had 19 months together before Carleigh came along. We were buddies.

Now at 10 Emmitt has turned out to be quite an inspiration for me. He gave me a little clue at 1 year old how smart he was when I found him taking apart the battery of his ride on toy, and then another day found him removing the screws on our door to find out how it worked. Today, if I need a conversion or a fast multiplication fact, or if Carleigh has a question I find myself asking him. He's one of "those" people that can read something one time and remember it. (he gets that from his Daddy).

In the past 10 years he has been growing up and I have been also. I didn't have this parenting thing figured out when I had him and last week found myself praying the same prayer I did when the kids were little "God, give me wisdom to be their mom and do the right thing for them." Truth is, he came along at a time in my life where God was taking something that was a very bad situation and turning it into something beautiful with the birth of Emmitt. (Just as God has done many times since then).

So today, please celebrate the birth of a very sweet boy. A boy that is going to change the world. A Star Wars loving, mac and cheese eating, Wii playing, big word using, (like..metaphorically speaking), friend loving, non-bike riding (he hates to ride his bike), Straight A getting, non team-sports playing, Lego building, God loving, sister tolerating, funny and witty 10 year old.

May he have the faith of Abraham, the boldness of Paul, a heart like David, the patience of Job, the wisdom of Solomon, the courage of Daniel, a love like John, may he be a leader like Joshua, and may he know and obey God's voice like Samuel.

Truth is........I love this boy so much I could go on for hours about him........

Happy Birthday Buddy!
