Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer craziness- LOVE IT!

Hey Gang!

I have to start off by saying that I wish I was a better blogger. I can't believe that my last post was in May. WOW-time flies!

We are in full summer mode at the Hasty household. Sleeping in, playing outside, swimming, VBS, Camps, Playdates, and going to bed late. All of this fun is exhausting.

Just thought that I would give you a little update on our little family.

Jeff is busy as ever with work. I don't know how that man does it. Working two jobs, being a wonderful father and husband, and he spends about 10+ hours per week running the sound booth at GracePointe. He's got a birthday coming up on the 19th and we celebrate 14 years of marriage on the 26th.

I started working part time for GracePointe this past March and I LOVE it. Unfortunately, I had to step down from teaching Jazzercise which was a passion of mine. Between homeschooling and working for GracePointe, getting kids to Ballet and Guitar, and being on the worship team...something had to give. I've been able to workout there still, but going from teaching 3-4 classes per week to MAYBE taking two classes has been a huge change for me.

Emmitt is doing great and is as smart as ever. He has a new hobby. Customizing Star Wars figurines. You know he's always loved Star Wars, and the kid has enough of those toys to open up a small toy store. He customizes them and then tapes himself doing a review for YouTube. It's so cute.

Carleigh is at Volleyball camp this week. Volleyball is new to her and she is loving it. She moves up a level in Ballet this year which will be a little more intense that the previous classes. She's very excited about that. She has been busy with friends, reading, "doing makeovers", and sewing. She is a teenager in an 8 year olds body. Her favorite shows are What Not To Wear and Say Yes To the Dress. (She is her mothers daughter) Someone told me last week she is going to be a trendsetter.

Delaney has recently discovered that she can swim underwater. She's always done well in water but as of last week she figured it out all on her own. A huge relief for this momma. I now don't have to worry that if she were to fall in somewhere she couldn't keep herself a float. She is excited about Kindergarten. She has started reading a little and loves to "do school" at our house. Jeff asked her a question last week and her response? "Yeah, Dawg!"

I cannot believe that next month I will be sending my baby to Kindergarten. Boohoo. She's ready....this momma is not.

I know many of you are curious about homeschooling for this upcoming year. Emmitt and Carleigh will continue to be homeschooled. Delaney will attend a 5 day Christian Kindergarten at Raytown Baptist Church. I'm head long into reviewing curriculum for a 5th grader and 3rd grader. I'm trying to decide what worked last year and what didn't. We have continued to work a little each day on Junior Bible Quiz, Math, Handwriting and Grammar. (Yes, I'm the mean mom that makes them work during the summer). I have always had them do summer work, so it's not new for them to do this. Being a mom and a teacher isn't easy, but I love the rewards of it.

Before I go I want to remind you to take time this summer to just enjoy your friends and family. There will always be laundry, housework, yard work and work outside of the home. Before we know it will be cooped up inside because it's winter...wishing it was summer. Just sayin.

Have a fantabulous day!
