Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Year 37

Ok. Say it.  You know you want to. My posts are SO RANDOM aren't they?  I mean can I even consider myself a blogger when I blog every three or four months?

The truth is I did not even plan to blog tonight.  It is now late and I have had a full day.   As I was driving home from school I started to think about my upcoming birthday.  I will be 38. 38!?! Wait. What? When did that happen?  When did I get so old?

Saying hello to 38 means saying goodbye to 37. So as I reflect on the past year I thought I would a share a few life lessons I have learned.

Year 37 meant that I now have a teenager in the house. We also celebrated year 11 for Carleigh and year 8 for Delaney.  It also meant that we remembered year 6 without our sweet Mia Hope for which the blog was named and year 5 without our littlest angel Elijah.  I must say there were moments of great joy and a few tears shed over each birthday. Happy tears.  Sad tears.

37 meant crazy schedules, parties, movie nights at our house and sleepovers with friends.   This summer our door became revolving and it was odd to not have extra friends at the house.

37 meant growth for me. Not only developing myself as a person but also growing professionally.

Year 37 meant disappointment.  I had to accept the fact that some people in my life aren't going to be what I need them to be.  It didn't mean they were bad people, just motivation for me to be better in my own life.

Some days I felt 37. Some days I felt 27. Some days I felt like I would never truly have it all together.

God spoke to me this year.  Recently when having doubts about my speaking ability I felt him say, "You be you." Another time I was struggling with taking on more responsibility at the church because I was already maxed out and He said to me " Let me take care of your time."

Speaking of more responsibility...37 meant I would serve in another area of ministry that I never thought I would do...become Children's Director at GracePointe.  I am humbled each week when I get the chance to speak into the lives of our sweet kiddos.

37 meant finding even more love and appreciation for my husband than ever before.  He is the one my soul loves.  He is my best friend, my personal comedian, my protector, provider, and a wonderful father to our children.

This year was full of great moments with my children.  Laughter, tears, cooking together, swimming, being a taxi, traveling, doing homework and crafts.

Probably one of the most memorable trials from year 37 had to do with my daughter Carleigh.  She went through a very painful period toward the end of her 5th grade year and beginning summer.  She lost friends that she thought she would be friends with forever.  It meant growth for her as well because she started to realize what was acceptable behavior as a friend and what was not.  A lesson that ended up being hard on the both of us.  She went through days of self doubt, insecurity and anger.  All the while I walked along side her cheering for her and letting her know those feelings would pass.  I was once 11 and those memories came flooding back to me.

37 mean juggling starting a new college program, subbing more for Lee's Summit and having even more responsibility at GPCC.

Probably the most important lesson that I learned this year was to submit once again to God and His will for my life.  I am such a planner sometimes that I leave Him out of the equation.  He has had me do really hard things this year, things that stretch me, things that are uncomfortable but necessary.

How can this all relate to you?  As God told me in year 37 I'm telling you: "You be you," "Let Him take care of your time," and don't leave Him out of the equation for your life this year.

On Monday I start year 38. A little older, hopefully a little wiser, with an extra wrinkle or two and with memories I would trade for anything.