Monday, September 14, 2009

Ya Ya Sisters Day and other random Hasty things!







Hello Friends!

As I type, Miss Delaney is hopefully down for an afternoon nap.  She has been running a fever on and off for a few days now.  Poor thing.  Unfortunately someone in our family has been sick for the last 4 weeks.  We’ve had the stomach flu, colds, more flues, and now another cold again.  I miss church.  We’ve only been once in 4 weeks. YUCK>  So if you think about it, say a prayer for Miss D tonight.

It’s just another Manic Monday.  Wish it were a Sunday. Ha.

Many of you may know that we celebrated YaYa Sisters Day on Saturday.  You may be thinking “what in the world is YaYa Sisters Day?”  This is a holiday that Angie and I created about 4 years ago.  We decided that we needed a holiday just to celebrate the fact that God made us sisters and friends.  Every year close to the first day of fall (our favorite time), we get together and give each other gifts, have a nice dinner and do whatever we want.  We tell secrets, we cry, we laugh, we HAVE FUN!  For the past few years we have both been saying that we needed to include my cousin Jenee who does not have a sister. She is our only female cousin on my moms side, and we are both very close to her. (she might as well be our sister).  So this year we extended our invite to include our cousin.  But we couldn’t invite her without inviting her mother who just happens to be my moms only sister.  So Sisters Day went from just two sisters, to five and WE HAD A BLAST!!!

Friends, if you have sisters or if you just have friends, you need to find a day to do this.  It will change your life.  It has brought us closer every year, and every year we are trying to think of something “fun” to do on our Sisters Day.  All year we are picking up small things here and there that maybe our sister mentioned they needed or wanted.  To see the look on their face when they open it and see that we listened to them and remembered what they said is amazing.  This year I got…a set of cookie sheets, Rachel Ray offset spatulas, Paula Deen mixing bowls, a snuggie, a Christmas Rug, 3 cookbooks, and Autumn basket, Halloween decorations, a Yankee Candle and air freshener, lip gloss, a sisters plaque, and 2 picture frames.  I’m sure that I'm missing something, but can you believe it?  None of us went overboard on our spending, but we just bought what we thought the other would like.  Too fun.

I won’t bore you will all of the details of our Sisters Day but I will share with you a few of our YaYa Sisters Day Commandments:

  • Thou shalt not text home
  • Thou shalt not count calories
  • Thou shalt eat whatever you want
  • Thou must go shopping
  • Thou must not talk about anything sad, and if thou talks about anything sad, thou must put 25 cents towards the next Sisters Day (indecently we have about $10 in quarters saved for next year…what can I say, it’s been a hard year)

Okay, I’m almost done talking about our YaYa SD 2009, but I have to mention on other thing.  My mom bought us all snuggies.  We opened presents outside on the patio, the weather was nice and honestly we had so many presents we wouldn’t have fit inside the house.  We looked like a cult sitting outside in our black snuggies.  (they look like Scream costume minus the masks).  Anyway, mom has a motion light that kept going on and off.  At one point the light went off and I heard Angie say “can anyone see?”  When the light came back on my Aunt Lisa was standing up saying (in her long black “cult” snuggie) “And now our Sisters Day sacrifice can begin.”  Guess you had to be there, but we all laughed till we cried.  I’m sure the neighbors wondered what the heck was happening. LOL>


Other than that last week was a pretty fast uneventful week for us.  However, Carleigh Rae started her first “big girl” ballet class.  Up until now she has been in wee and pre-ballet.  Basically just an intro to ballet.  Now she’s old enough to be in the big girl class and it’s very serious.  She will be in a group of girls older than her and some a lot more advanced than she.  I’m praying that it really challenges her passion for dance.  I would have loved to have done something like that when I was young.  There is no doubt that if I would have started when I was her age I would probably own my own studio today.  I LOVE DANCE, and I see that same passion for it in her eyes.  She did great her first class and I can’t wait to see how much she advances this year.


Miss D starts her first ballet class tonight.  She is super excited.  I can’t wait to take pictures.  My friend Melissa (the friend that makes the cutest hair bows) made her a purple and white tutu and I cannot wait to put it on her.  She tells me “i’ne already a ballerina mommy”.  I’ll post some pictures tomorrow.

Emmitt turns 8 1/2 tonight at 10:53.  8 1/2 years ago our entire life changed for the better.  This kid is truly a gift from God. I know what your thinking, yes, I’ve already made the 1/2 birthday cake and yes, we will sing happy birthday to him tonight and eat said half birthday cake.  It’s tradition.

Lastly I have to mention that while last night in the shower I realized something…I’m “One Of Those Moms”.  If you don’t know what I mean let me clarify:

I’m “One Of Those Moms” who:

  • says things like “make good choices today.”
  • needs the occasional night out and when that happens usually two minutes after the kids are gone I’m ready for them to come home.
  • doesn’t feel “freedom” when I'm by myself, I feel lonely.
  • is the last person to sit and eat at the dinner table and while it’s clear that every one has at least had two or three bites already says (like I didn’t notice that they’ve already started eating) “Who’s going to pray over our meal?”
  • is sometimes too tired to shower after taking care of everyone all day.
  • tries to have warm baked goodies for the kids when they get home from school at least two or three times per week.
  • gets frustrated after everyone leaves there stuff lying all over the house and instead of just telling them to take care of it, I pick it up and huff and puff the whole time so they can hear me.
  • goes shopping for myself and ends up buying for the kids and not having money left for myself.
  • volunteers every chance I get just so I can get an extra few minutes at the school to let them know that I love them.
  • calls my kids “babies, hunney, nunney, love, sugar, sweetie and other annoying names
  • feels like when the kids miss a question at school it’s a personal reflection of my parenting skills.
  • hates to spank but is amazed at how quick it works.  (don’t have to do it often, and I HATE to have to do it at all).
  • raises her voice at the kids (okay, yells), and then feels bad for a week afterward.
  • feels like I have the best job in the world.  The positives waaaay outweigh the negatives.

That’s all for now folks.  Now you are up to date with the Hasty family.

Please keep in touch and let me know how you are!

Much love,


Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!


Hello All!  Happy Labor Day!

It’s been almost 2 weeks since I last wrote.  I have tried to.  But for whatever reason, after I’ve written a couple blogs, I decided not to post them.  Just didn’t feel like they were important enough.  So, third times a charm.

Thank you for those of you who have been asking about my Grandma.  She is still hanging on.  She told my dad “A lot of people have been visiting me, they must think that I’m dying…I’m going to live a long time just to be ornery.” They told us that she wouldn’t make it to her birthday, and that was last week.  God’s not finished with her yet on this earth.

Do you have plans for today?  My plans are to do nothing and enjoy my family.  It seems like since school started we hit the ground running and never looked back.  You would think that since I have two in school that I would have a ton of time on my hands when they are gone, but no such luck.  I’ve been volunteering at school and trying to finish up their rooms.  Not done completely with their rooms but getting close.  Delaney is having fun just following me around.  And occasionally getting spoiled when I’m at the store trying to find things for their room.  She’s so cute you hate to tell her no, and she never asks for anything, so when she does it’s a no brainer.

Jeff is really enjoying Chemistry.  (sarcasm).  He’s a couple weeks into school now and is starting to feel a little more confident.  I feel bad when he doesn’t understand something because I am certainly no help.  He’s hoping to take Emmitt out on the golf course today for some much needed down time.  He’s on call today, so we’ll see if that actually happens. 

Emmitt is enjoying 3rd grade.  Everyday he comes home and says school was “awesome”.  He loves his teacher and also loves the fact that she gives them time in class to work on homework. If they get it done in class, they don’t have to take it home.  He’s soon to turn 8 1/2 and you better believe that there will be a half bday cake for him.  I can’t believe that my baby boy is so old.  Where did the time go?

Carleigh is getting ready to start ballet this week. She is super excited.  She is probably more excited because she has a few new leotards to wear.  The girl loves clothes.  She’s going to be a designer one day.  My sister told me the other day that when Carleigh wears a certain shirt with a scarf, she never wears the scarf the same way.  Every time Angie sees her she’s got it tied a little different.  And the girl loves shoes.  She probably has a lot more than I do.  She changes close at least 4 times daily.  All that aside she is the most thoughtful child that I know.  She’s always making someone something to eat or drink, or making a card for someone.  She never asks for the same in return.  I brought her a pillow and blanket last night while she was watching a movie and she was so thrilled that I thought of her.  “O, momma, Thank you!”



Delaney has a new word, PUNK>.  Let me tell you that it’s really hard to keep a straight face while telling her  “Delaney, we don’t call people Punks”. Ha.  I laugh just typing that.  She starts ballet next Monday and she is soooooooo excited.  She tells me that she’s already a ballerina.  And she twirls and whirls around the house to show me all her moves. You better believe that there will be lots of pictures taken her first class.  There is nothing cuter than a little girl in a tutu with her little pudgy belly hanging out.  I just hope that she doesn’t beat anyone up her first class. Joking.  She’s yet to actually beat anyone up. (but I’m sure the thought has crossed her mind).

I’ve been busy with kiddos and housework. I’ve really been seeking God as to what my next step is.  I thought that I would be home for the next 5 years with Elijah, so now that that is not a reality, I’m trying to figure out what is next.  Delaney will start Pre-K next year and then Kindergarten the year after that.  I know that I will go back to work at some point, so I'm trying to think  a head a little as to what I might want to do.  I’m sure that God already has it under control, but I’m still a thinker.  I’ve been fortunate to be at home for the last 8 1/2 years.  By the time Delaney will start school I will have been home for 10 1/2 years.  WOW.  Never thought that would have been a reality.  Thank you Jesus.  I’m so thankful that I got to raise my kids and see the firsts of everything.  It was worth all of the sacrifice.  I have the best job in the world.

Lastly I just want to say that I’ve really been praying for you all.  I know that there are tons of you going through some “stuff”.  From Miscarriages, to lost jobs, to lay offs, to sickness, to disease, to marital problems, to husbands being deployed.  I think about you all more than you know.  I will not stop praying for you and God’s best for you.  Hang close to Jesus and get in the Word.  It’s like a road map for life.  If you don’t know what to do, just open it and you’ll be sure to have a little clarity. Trust, Obey, Pray, Seek, Knock, Sing, Dance, Love, Forgive, Worship, Laugh, Serve!

Have an awesome day.  Thanks for taking the time to check in on our little family.


Marsha Stewart (tee he)