Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer craziness- LOVE IT!

Hey Gang!

I have to start off by saying that I wish I was a better blogger. I can't believe that my last post was in May. WOW-time flies!

We are in full summer mode at the Hasty household. Sleeping in, playing outside, swimming, VBS, Camps, Playdates, and going to bed late. All of this fun is exhausting.

Just thought that I would give you a little update on our little family.

Jeff is busy as ever with work. I don't know how that man does it. Working two jobs, being a wonderful father and husband, and he spends about 10+ hours per week running the sound booth at GracePointe. He's got a birthday coming up on the 19th and we celebrate 14 years of marriage on the 26th.

I started working part time for GracePointe this past March and I LOVE it. Unfortunately, I had to step down from teaching Jazzercise which was a passion of mine. Between homeschooling and working for GracePointe, getting kids to Ballet and Guitar, and being on the worship team...something had to give. I've been able to workout there still, but going from teaching 3-4 classes per week to MAYBE taking two classes has been a huge change for me.

Emmitt is doing great and is as smart as ever. He has a new hobby. Customizing Star Wars figurines. You know he's always loved Star Wars, and the kid has enough of those toys to open up a small toy store. He customizes them and then tapes himself doing a review for YouTube. It's so cute.

Carleigh is at Volleyball camp this week. Volleyball is new to her and she is loving it. She moves up a level in Ballet this year which will be a little more intense that the previous classes. She's very excited about that. She has been busy with friends, reading, "doing makeovers", and sewing. She is a teenager in an 8 year olds body. Her favorite shows are What Not To Wear and Say Yes To the Dress. (She is her mothers daughter) Someone told me last week she is going to be a trendsetter.

Delaney has recently discovered that she can swim underwater. She's always done well in water but as of last week she figured it out all on her own. A huge relief for this momma. I now don't have to worry that if she were to fall in somewhere she couldn't keep herself a float. She is excited about Kindergarten. She has started reading a little and loves to "do school" at our house. Jeff asked her a question last week and her response? "Yeah, Dawg!"

I cannot believe that next month I will be sending my baby to Kindergarten. Boohoo. She's ready....this momma is not.

I know many of you are curious about homeschooling for this upcoming year. Emmitt and Carleigh will continue to be homeschooled. Delaney will attend a 5 day Christian Kindergarten at Raytown Baptist Church. I'm head long into reviewing curriculum for a 5th grader and 3rd grader. I'm trying to decide what worked last year and what didn't. We have continued to work a little each day on Junior Bible Quiz, Math, Handwriting and Grammar. (Yes, I'm the mean mom that makes them work during the summer). I have always had them do summer work, so it's not new for them to do this. Being a mom and a teacher isn't easy, but I love the rewards of it.

Before I go I want to remind you to take time this summer to just enjoy your friends and family. There will always be laundry, housework, yard work and work outside of the home. Before we know it will be cooped up inside because it's winter...wishing it was summer. Just sayin.

Have a fantabulous day!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Mia Hope Hasty

Today my children are finishing up their last day of our first home school year. What an amazing time I have had being their "teacher." Has it been a blast? ABSOLUTELY! Have I been overwhelmed some days? Um, YEAH!

You see, up until about three weeks before I started homeschooling them I always said "I could NEVER (key word) home school my kids." "It's too much responsibility." "I don't have that kind of time."

Be careful what you say that you will NEVER do. It always comes back to get you doesn't it?

But, I did it. We did it. It's done and I'm very thankful to have had this year with them.

Next up? Summer fun. They will be going to their first week long summer camp at the Lake of the Ozarks. The same camp that I went to every year from birth until about age 16. I can't believe that I'm bringing my kids to it. It's a very surreal feeling. We have small trips planned, play dates planned, movie nights, and nights of playing outside until dark planned.

I have very mixed emotions for today. I'm so happy for the kids to be done with school for the year and to begin summer.

However, today is Mia's birthday. For those of you that are new to my blog, three years ago today I gave birth to a beautiful little girl Mia, who was born still. I never thought that I would make it this far.

It's a very strange feeling to know that life goes on after loosing her. I feel like I should be terribly upset. And I am, but I'm not a wreck. I'm strong. Wow. I can't believe that I just wrote that.

For whatever reason, she didn't make it on this earth? I don't even want to question why. I don't want to be upset for the rest of my life and become bitter and angry. She didn't live and three years after saying goodbye, I feel like it was just a minute ago.

I wish you all could have saw how sweet she was. She had the tiniest little nose, a perfectly formed body, a beautiful face and the tiniest hands and fingers. I stared at her every minute that she was with us trying so hard in my mind to remember every feature about her. My sweet Mia Hope.

So here I am, three years later, blogging about life with my three healthy kids. Sad but Happy. How can that be?

I guess today I'll celebrate that fact that my kids school year is through. (I now have a kindergartner,third grader and fifth grader). YIKES! But today I will also choose to celebrate Mia's life. I'm so thankful for that time with her. Even if it was short.

I want to leave you with a poem that I believe that God put before me this morning.

Before even time began,
My sweet Mia for me was planned.
I brought her unto this earth,
Through the miracle of birth.

Even when life takes us apart,
We from each other will not depart.
For she is the goodness inside my soul,
A strength on which I will forever grow.

Happy Birthday Sweet Mia! I can only imagine the party that Heaven is having for you. It makes me smile.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Meet my mom....Carla

You may not know her, my mom that is. But after you read this I hope that you do. I hope that you think she is as amazing as I do.

My mom, Carla Lorraine Ives Thurman is one pretty remarkable woman.

Those who know her love her completely. She is certainly one of the funniest people that I've ever known. She's always mispronouncing things, making us laugh, and making the most funny mistakes. (Like the time at a church function where she happened to mistake creamer for WALL PAPER PASTE, I don't know who put it in the fridge, but sure enough mom put it out and when people used it their coffee became thicker and thicker).

As a child I don't think that I appreciated her as much as I do now. Since becoming a mother myself she and I have become so close. I think I started to realize that sacrifices that she (and my dad) made for Angie and I growing up.

She's not only an amazing mother, but an equally awesome grandmother to my children. She is at every function that my kids are involved in. She's there on the front row taking pictures and cheering for them. They love their MawMaw.

I can't talk about her an not mention that fact that whenever Angie and I go on vacations she and dad go to our homes, take care of our pets, wash our dishes, do our laundry and completely clean our homes. So that, when we come back from said vacations, our houses our perfect for us.

She is one of the hardest working people that I know. Being around her any amount of time you understand that she truly has a servants heart.

Her and my dad have been married for 40 years now, and they have truly set an example for us. Though their marriage has had its ups and downs like most, they continue to love each other and still kiss one another every time they see each other like they are newlyweds.

I'm blessed. I'm blessed to have a mom like her, a dad that encourages me, children that are amazing, a husband that treats me like a queen, a sister that's my best friend,a pretty rockin brother in law, more in-laws that treat me like blood, a wonderful church family and many more friends and family to walk this life journey with.

If you don't know her, maybe now you do? At any rate I know her and get to call her my mom. How lucky am I?

Happy Mother's Day to you all. Love you mom!


Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
Many women have done excellently,
but you surpass them all.
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:38-30

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Two Years Ago My World Changed

Two years ago today I gave birth to a little Angel. Literally. Elijah Jake Hasty was born at 8:36 p.m. on April 7, 2009 and in that instant my life was forever changed.

Jeff and I said hello and goodbye in the same few hours. Something a mother and father should never have to do. But we did. We dedicated him to God and then gave him to Him.

What has the last two years looked like for us? Well, I would like to say that we are completely healed, stronger, and that we are over it. But I cannot.

To be completely healed from losing him seems impossible. I cannot ever imagine me not thinking about how old he would be, what his voice sounded like when he said “Mommy”, what his tiny kisses feel like on my cheek, or not regretting that I didn’t get to see him grow up. Does my heart hurt less, yes. I’m far from a complete healing, BUT…..I have peace when I think about him (as opposed to the terrible pain and grief that I had early on). I guess that’s progress right?

Am I stronger? Absolutely. Most days. Every now and then I just want to curl into a ball and cry wishing that I could hold him one last time. My faith is most definitely stronger. I know for a fact that there were days that God carried me through the sad times. Oh, how he loves me. Oh, how I love Him.

Am I over it? Ha. I wish. I wish. Truth is, I don’t ever want to be “over it”. I want his memory to live forever. I want you to know that I had a sweet little boy who was too precious for this earth.

I was just certain that after I lost our first baby (Jordan) and then gave birth to Mia and Elijah that God was going to use Jeff and I in a mighty way. Why would we have to go through it if he didn’t want to do something great? I saw myself ministering to people on a platform somewhere speaking HOPE (our theme through it all) into peoples’ lives. Have I done that yet? Nope. Are there days when I question what I’m supposed to be doing about it? Yep.

I guess you could say that in the past two years I’ve learned that life sometimes just plain stinks. (For lack of a better term). Stuff happens. Disappointments. Financial upsets. Death. Divorce. Illnesses. Etc. I’ve learned that life is what you make of it. Even though I’m sad I lost them I don’t think it’s fair to my children or my husband to be sad all of the time, act like the victim, and not move on a little. So, I’ve held on to the HOPE that I have in Jesus, woke up everyday thanking God for my life, tried to be a better mother and wife (as well as friend, daughter, Aunt, worker), and tried to point people to the cross as much as possible.

I don’t have it all together, nor do I ever want to appear that way.

I may not have ministered on a platform somewhere in front of thousands of people. Maybe I will one day. But maybe, just maybe, I’m supposed to minister to YOU somehow? ( I don’t know how, so if you know fill me in). Maybe it’s just by letting you know that when bad things happen there is a God there waiting for you to cling to Him. Maybe it’s to minister to my three precious kids so they know that when the unthinkable happens they can make it. Maybe I’m ministering by trying to live my life in a way that’s pleasing to God when people are watching, but even when people are not watching.

I know that there will be a day when all of my questions will be answered. I don’t even know at that point if it will matter?

But for now, I ask you to help me celebrate Elijah’s birthday. Don’t be sad. He’s not. Think about him and smile. There is a little guy in heaven watching you read this and possibly saying “Thanks for taking care of my family”.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for walking this journey with me over the past few years.

Happy Birthday Elijah! Can’t wait to see you again. From Mommy, Daddy, Emmitt, Carleigh, Delaney and all of us.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Shopping Fever

I wish I had something really profound to write about today....but I don't.

The fact is I have SPRING FEVER big time.

I have been spring cleaning this house, organizing closets, and planning spring get togethers. I'm ready for the cold wintry-like days to disappear and long warm days to reappear. I'm ready to go shopping for spring clothes for me and my family.

So, in honor of my Spring Fever I thought that I would share some of my fav 2011 clothes and accessories.

Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think of them.


Monday, March 14, 2011

I realize that I don't talk about him much...

Emmitt that is. He's my firstborn and today at 10:53 p.m. he turns 10 years old. That makes me a mom for a decade now. (How can that be because I'm so young)? HA!

I've been pondering in my heart over the past week his upcoming birthday. I wish I was one of those moms who is actually happy when they get older and do more things. That's not me. I tend to dread things. Be sad as they get older. I'm trying to find a happy medium there. I want to always cherish them being little but also be excited for the things they are becoming. (Hope that makes sense)? I was thinking about him I realized that I don't talk about him too often. Certainly not as often as Carleigh lately who had her little Meteorologist Debut, or even as much as Miss Delaney who keeps us on our toes with the hilarious things that come out of her mouth.

It's because Emmitt is my quiet child. He's perfectly happy in his room for hours. When he has friends over I always think to myself...."Wow, boys are loud!" His old name suits his old soul well. He is sensitive so when he was little and doing something wrong, we could just give him a look and he would start crying. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days when he was little. He and I had 19 months together before Carleigh came along. We were buddies.

Now at 10 Emmitt has turned out to be quite an inspiration for me. He gave me a little clue at 1 year old how smart he was when I found him taking apart the battery of his ride on toy, and then another day found him removing the screws on our door to find out how it worked. Today, if I need a conversion or a fast multiplication fact, or if Carleigh has a question I find myself asking him. He's one of "those" people that can read something one time and remember it. (he gets that from his Daddy).

In the past 10 years he has been growing up and I have been also. I didn't have this parenting thing figured out when I had him and last week found myself praying the same prayer I did when the kids were little "God, give me wisdom to be their mom and do the right thing for them." Truth is, he came along at a time in my life where God was taking something that was a very bad situation and turning it into something beautiful with the birth of Emmitt. (Just as God has done many times since then).

So today, please celebrate the birth of a very sweet boy. A boy that is going to change the world. A Star Wars loving, mac and cheese eating, Wii playing, big word using, (like..metaphorically speaking), friend loving, non-bike riding (he hates to ride his bike), Straight A getting, non team-sports playing, Lego building, God loving, sister tolerating, funny and witty 10 year old.

May he have the faith of Abraham, the boldness of Paul, a heart like David, the patience of Job, the wisdom of Solomon, the courage of Daniel, a love like John, may he be a leader like Joshua, and may he know and obey God's voice like Samuel.

Truth is........I love this boy so much I could go on for hours about him........

Happy Birthday Buddy!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

It all started with an email....

Hi friends.

I hope that you are all enjoying the warmer weather. I know our family is. We've been to church, shopping, ate lunch, painted some artwork, played Lego's, made chocolate covered strawberries and the kids have been playing outside. They are getting incredibly filthy due to the melting snow but I don't mind. We all need a good dose of fresh air!

I'm ready for SPRING and spring cleaning. I don't know about you but my carpet is the perfect shade of sludge from everyone tracking dirt in from the snow. (My dog is also the perfect shade of sludge). Just a few more weeks. I don't mind snow, however, I don't enjoy it when it lingers for so long you forget what grass looks like.

Anyway, many of you have asked how Miss Carleigh Rae ended up on the news a few days ago so I thought I would take a minute to share her story.

It all started this Christmas when she received an Art Easel and Camera. She started taping herself doing the news everyday, Emmitt would do the sports and Delaney would make the weather maps. She even came up with a name for her program called "The Hasty News Crew."

The night of the blizzard she went outside with daddy to measure how much snow we had gotten and Jeff took a picture of her. She decided to send it in to Gary Lezak of NBC Action News. I will never forget the memory of seeing her in her pj's typing an email to him on the laptop about wanting to be a meteorologist when she grows up.

About an hour later we received an email stating that her picture had been approved for their website. Great. End of story. Carleigh was on the website. NOT!

About one half hour after that we received an email from someone from the station wondering if our camera had video capability. They said "Carleigh, may be a meteorologist sooner than you think." Hmmmm? What were they up to I wondered? We emailed back saying yes of course and then sent our phone number to them. About an hour later (almost 10 pm by this point) we got a call from the station asking us to do four 30 second weather reports for the news in the morning. They told us to have her do whatever she wanted to talk about. So there we were, in our pj's, fixing her hair, writing her script, getting wardrobe ready for her big weather girl debut. She did incredibly well. Very animated and loved every single moment of it. We couldn't believe what we were doing.

We sent the videos in to them and thought that was it. We were done. Right? Nope, they emailed back asking if she would want to get up early and do a phone interview at 7:15. (By this point it was almost 2 a.m.).

We of course said yes and at 6:30 we woke her up and almost immediately they were playing her weather video. Grinning from ear to ear she did her little phone interview and again we thought we were done. Whew. What a great time. Carleigh was on the news. Fun times.

Except.....after the morning news ended they called right back. "Carleigh is a hit, could you do two more reports for the midday news?" What? She was going to be on the news again? Are you kidding me? So, we spent the better party of the morning taping her AGAIN, changing her wardrobe, and coming up with more script for the budding weather girl.

At 11:00 we watched every single minute of the show. Only to realized that they didn't use what we had sent in. What a let down. We told her to be thankful for what she got to do that morning and everything else was just a bonus. What a fun time. End of story. Right? What?

The phone rings again, NBC again. "We're sorry that we didn't get to use Carleigh's weather reports, BUT....would she want to do the news with Gary Lezak tonight for the 6 o'clock show?"

Ummmmm, CHA!

So we found ourselves for the third time in less than 24 hours taping her doing the weather. They wanted us to do it outside due to the lighting but I promise you that every time she started to talk on tape a snow blower would go by, a dog would bark or a car would honk their horn. Ugh. It was -10 wind chill and she and I are outside for TWO HOURS trying to get a one minute report. At one point we were both crying.

Needless to say we decided to come inside, we put the snow totals on the infamous art easel and she finished her report. We sent her video again, called all of our family and friends and waited for the weather at 6 o'clock.

There she was, flashing her smile, saying "Thanks, Gary!" and beaming. To say that this momma was proud would be the understatement of the year. I just kept thanking God that she got to live out a dream of hers at the tender age of 8.

Here are her weather reports. Enjoy!

We tried to turn the situation into a teachable moment and told her that it all started with an email. If' she wouldn't have taken the chance to send a picture of herself to NBC this would have never came about.

Since this happened I've often wondered what dreams I've missed because I didn't take a chance, or a leap of faith.

My prayer for you today is that you are encouraged by the dreams of an 8 year old. Don't miss out on your dreams by simply NOT doing something. DREAM BIG. It's the Lords desire for you. He's waiting to work in you to accomplish more than you could ever ask or think.

"Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power to work withing us, to
accomplish infinitely more than we could ask or think." Ephesians 3:20

Have a great sunshiney day!


P.s. The story still isn't over. We got an email the very next day from a new magaize that's coming out in Lees Summit. It gets mailed to over 15, 000 homes. They wanted to use Carleigh as their Star Student and share her fun story. So, be watching for the March issue. The story is done and absolutley adorable. Yeah Carleigh!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011-New Year, New Journeys, New Memories, New HOPE

Whew. It's been a while since I last wrote. I cannot believe how time flies. I've had several things that I've wanted to say but just no "time" to do it. At any rate, I've missed writing and hearing your feedback. So, I promise to try to write more this year, K?

I'm so excited for this new year, 2011. I love the promise of so many fun things to do, birthdays to celebrate, vacations, and all of the unexpected things that will happen this upcoming year.

I don't know about you but I always find myself this time of year trying to yet again get organized. I try desperately to get the house put back in order from the whirlwind called the Holidays. My goal for the first few months is to take one drawer or closet per day and make it over. I'm making progress.

I try not to make resolutions but life changes because I don't ever want to go back to a bad habit. For instance, I started this year off again with a 7 day Daniel Fast. I ended it Sunday night and I can honestly say I feel like the fast helped me to really think about the foods that I and my family put into our bodies. I reaped not only the spiritual rewards of fasting but I put nothing but water, fruits, veggies and legumes into my body for an entire week. I feel wonderful! I hope to continue to eat better and feed my family better. I no longer want to fill my body with processed sugars, fatty cheeses, sugary sodas, fatty meats and fast food. Don't get me wrong, my motto is everything in moderation. However, too much of a good thing is simply that-too much of a good thing. So, in 2011 the Hasty's are going to be eating MORE fruits and veggies, MORE whole grains, MORE of the good fats (natural Peanut Butters, beans, olive oil), drinking MORE water, and eating LESS of the stuff that's not good for you. I plan for us to all get more exercise as well. (I'll let you know how it goes, wish me luck).

So I guess the biggest news to report is that I started HOMESCHOOLING the kids this fall. I know what you are thinking....FREAK. Ha Ha. There are numerous reasons that helped us to decide to do this but the most important reason is that God told us to. Plain and simple. Can't argue with Him can I? I've found out in life to never say never. God has a sense of humor. He hears you say that and then most assuredly you end up in a situation that you would NEVER do. (Please tell me the same thing happens to you otherwise He's just playing jokes on me). I said I would NEVER home school. I felt it was too much pressure, too much responsibility, too much time, Too much! I hope to help break the home school stereotype a little. There are many people that do it for many reasons. We'll talk about it more soon, meanwhile let me know if you find a denim jumper for me would ya?

I want to leave you tonight with a scripture that's been on my heart. It helps me to remember that things are only going to get better from here. Enjoy!

'The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the Lord Almighty, 'And in this place I will grant peace," declares the Lord Almighty. Haggai 2:9