Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Mia Hope Hasty

Today my children are finishing up their last day of our first home school year. What an amazing time I have had being their "teacher." Has it been a blast? ABSOLUTELY! Have I been overwhelmed some days? Um, YEAH!

You see, up until about three weeks before I started homeschooling them I always said "I could NEVER (key word) home school my kids." "It's too much responsibility." "I don't have that kind of time."

Be careful what you say that you will NEVER do. It always comes back to get you doesn't it?

But, I did it. We did it. It's done and I'm very thankful to have had this year with them.

Next up? Summer fun. They will be going to their first week long summer camp at the Lake of the Ozarks. The same camp that I went to every year from birth until about age 16. I can't believe that I'm bringing my kids to it. It's a very surreal feeling. We have small trips planned, play dates planned, movie nights, and nights of playing outside until dark planned.

I have very mixed emotions for today. I'm so happy for the kids to be done with school for the year and to begin summer.

However, today is Mia's birthday. For those of you that are new to my blog, three years ago today I gave birth to a beautiful little girl Mia, who was born still. I never thought that I would make it this far.

It's a very strange feeling to know that life goes on after loosing her. I feel like I should be terribly upset. And I am, but I'm not a wreck. I'm strong. Wow. I can't believe that I just wrote that.

For whatever reason, she didn't make it on this earth? I don't even want to question why. I don't want to be upset for the rest of my life and become bitter and angry. She didn't live and three years after saying goodbye, I feel like it was just a minute ago.

I wish you all could have saw how sweet she was. She had the tiniest little nose, a perfectly formed body, a beautiful face and the tiniest hands and fingers. I stared at her every minute that she was with us trying so hard in my mind to remember every feature about her. My sweet Mia Hope.

So here I am, three years later, blogging about life with my three healthy kids. Sad but Happy. How can that be?

I guess today I'll celebrate that fact that my kids school year is through. (I now have a kindergartner,third grader and fifth grader). YIKES! But today I will also choose to celebrate Mia's life. I'm so thankful for that time with her. Even if it was short.

I want to leave you with a poem that I believe that God put before me this morning.

Before even time began,
My sweet Mia for me was planned.
I brought her unto this earth,
Through the miracle of birth.

Even when life takes us apart,
We from each other will not depart.
For she is the goodness inside my soul,
A strength on which I will forever grow.

Happy Birthday Sweet Mia! I can only imagine the party that Heaven is having for you. It makes me smile.


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