Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Sis!

62827F2 7 years ago today at 8:16 a.m. Miss Carleigh Rae Hasty was born into this family.  She made her presence known with a “little girl squeal” and as daddy brought her to me to see for the first time my words to him were “I think I’m gonna throw up”.  He quickly moved the baby out of my face and I did exactly that.

I feel like I blinked and she’s now turning seven.  Where o where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital and I was putting every pink bow that I could find on her little head.  Now she likes to do her own hair with as many sparkles as she can get.

A lot has happened in those short 7 years.  She has taught me so much.  She has such a personality, and I just thought for sure she would be my “strong willed child”.  However, she has become a wonderful young girl.  She is thoughtful, considerate, prayerful, a morning person, a good student, tidy, a healthy eater, talented, grateful, helpful, and many many more things.


Carleigh, we celebrate you today.  You my darling, changed our family forever.  We are much better people because of you.  Promise mommy you will never loose that pretty smile of yours.  I want you to always put God first and walk in His will for your life.  I pray that you serve Him all the days of your life and that you are a great asset to His kingdom.  Keep your head up, even when life throws you curveballs.  I cannot always make things perfect for you (although I wish with everything in me that I could) but even when times are tough never loose HOPE.  Love your neighbor, love your family, love your friends, and love God with all your heart.  Trust in Him.  He will not fail you.  Be kind to others, be gentle, be patient, be humble, be pure, be holy. The sky is the limit for you sweet Carleigh.  Reach for them.  Daddy and Mommy will be there cheering you on every step of the way.


We love you sooooo much!

Be blessed today!

Mommy, Daddy, Emmitt, Delaney, Jordan, Mia and Elijah

1 comment:

A Kite said...

sniff sniff, another teary blog! Why o why do I read these at work? :)