Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011-New Year, New Journeys, New Memories, New HOPE

Whew. It's been a while since I last wrote. I cannot believe how time flies. I've had several things that I've wanted to say but just no "time" to do it. At any rate, I've missed writing and hearing your feedback. So, I promise to try to write more this year, K?

I'm so excited for this new year, 2011. I love the promise of so many fun things to do, birthdays to celebrate, vacations, and all of the unexpected things that will happen this upcoming year.

I don't know about you but I always find myself this time of year trying to yet again get organized. I try desperately to get the house put back in order from the whirlwind called the Holidays. My goal for the first few months is to take one drawer or closet per day and make it over. I'm making progress.

I try not to make resolutions but life changes because I don't ever want to go back to a bad habit. For instance, I started this year off again with a 7 day Daniel Fast. I ended it Sunday night and I can honestly say I feel like the fast helped me to really think about the foods that I and my family put into our bodies. I reaped not only the spiritual rewards of fasting but I put nothing but water, fruits, veggies and legumes into my body for an entire week. I feel wonderful! I hope to continue to eat better and feed my family better. I no longer want to fill my body with processed sugars, fatty cheeses, sugary sodas, fatty meats and fast food. Don't get me wrong, my motto is everything in moderation. However, too much of a good thing is simply that-too much of a good thing. So, in 2011 the Hasty's are going to be eating MORE fruits and veggies, MORE whole grains, MORE of the good fats (natural Peanut Butters, beans, olive oil), drinking MORE water, and eating LESS of the stuff that's not good for you. I plan for us to all get more exercise as well. (I'll let you know how it goes, wish me luck).

So I guess the biggest news to report is that I started HOMESCHOOLING the kids this fall. I know what you are thinking....FREAK. Ha Ha. There are numerous reasons that helped us to decide to do this but the most important reason is that God told us to. Plain and simple. Can't argue with Him can I? I've found out in life to never say never. God has a sense of humor. He hears you say that and then most assuredly you end up in a situation that you would NEVER do. (Please tell me the same thing happens to you otherwise He's just playing jokes on me). I said I would NEVER home school. I felt it was too much pressure, too much responsibility, too much time, Too much! I hope to help break the home school stereotype a little. There are many people that do it for many reasons. We'll talk about it more soon, meanwhile let me know if you find a denim jumper for me would ya?

I want to leave you tonight with a scripture that's been on my heart. It helps me to remember that things are only going to get better from here. Enjoy!

'The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the Lord Almighty, 'And in this place I will grant peace," declares the Lord Almighty. Haggai 2:9


Becky said...

Hey Marsha!! so glad that you are blogging again :)
It was so good to see you before the holidays!

Rach said...

Glad you updated your blog! I miss you girlfriend! We need to get together when the weather stops acting up! Love ya!