Sunday, May 8, 2011

Meet my mom....Carla

You may not know her, my mom that is. But after you read this I hope that you do. I hope that you think she is as amazing as I do.

My mom, Carla Lorraine Ives Thurman is one pretty remarkable woman.

Those who know her love her completely. She is certainly one of the funniest people that I've ever known. She's always mispronouncing things, making us laugh, and making the most funny mistakes. (Like the time at a church function where she happened to mistake creamer for WALL PAPER PASTE, I don't know who put it in the fridge, but sure enough mom put it out and when people used it their coffee became thicker and thicker).

As a child I don't think that I appreciated her as much as I do now. Since becoming a mother myself she and I have become so close. I think I started to realize that sacrifices that she (and my dad) made for Angie and I growing up.

She's not only an amazing mother, but an equally awesome grandmother to my children. She is at every function that my kids are involved in. She's there on the front row taking pictures and cheering for them. They love their MawMaw.

I can't talk about her an not mention that fact that whenever Angie and I go on vacations she and dad go to our homes, take care of our pets, wash our dishes, do our laundry and completely clean our homes. So that, when we come back from said vacations, our houses our perfect for us.

She is one of the hardest working people that I know. Being around her any amount of time you understand that she truly has a servants heart.

Her and my dad have been married for 40 years now, and they have truly set an example for us. Though their marriage has had its ups and downs like most, they continue to love each other and still kiss one another every time they see each other like they are newlyweds.

I'm blessed. I'm blessed to have a mom like her, a dad that encourages me, children that are amazing, a husband that treats me like a queen, a sister that's my best friend,a pretty rockin brother in law, more in-laws that treat me like blood, a wonderful church family and many more friends and family to walk this life journey with.

If you don't know her, maybe now you do? At any rate I know her and get to call her my mom. How lucky am I?

Happy Mother's Day to you all. Love you mom!


Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
Many women have done excellently,
but you surpass them all.
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:38-30

1 comment:

Rach said...

So beautiful, Marsha. Yes, your mom is a truly giving person. May God continue to use her and richly bless her life and may all that she puts her hands to succeed and prosper.

P.S. - I do remember the "creamer" incident. LOL