Monday, February 11, 2013

She's got a way about her. I don't know what it is? But I know that I can't live without her!

Have you ever tried something for the first time and loved it and thought "Where have you been all of my life?"

It's like you love it and didn't even know you were missing it.

That's exactly the way I felt when I met Delaney Grace (my youngest) for the first time.

After having my first two so close together we waited for a little while to have another baby.  I loved every moment of my pregnancy with her (other than throwing up all the time for the first three months). I couldn't wait to meet her.  Would she be our last?  Would this be our last pregnancy?  We thought so. 

So we captured every moment on tape.  Took thousands of pictures.  Bought all new EVERYTHING for her.

I will never forget how pretty she was.  I know, I know, every momma thinks their child is pretty.  But Delaney's red hair and perfect complexion made her perfection.

Just like with Carleigh I had bows in her hair two minutes after coming out of the womb (not exactly but you get the point).  And I don't think I slept for days.  Not because she kept me up crying.  I didn't want to sleep with her around.  I wanted to hold her, kiss her, cherish her because I knew just like with my first two children she would quickly grow up.

I had crazy people tell me "Watch out because three is going to rock your world". Or "With three they are never in the same mood.  Someone is always unhappy".    Three was our magic number.  We were ALL happy she was here.

Since then, 7 years ago today, there have been moments of joy with her, moments where I wanted to pull my hair out, moments of laughing until I cry and moments of "Oh my gosh did she really just say that?"

I have kissed her boo boos, wiped her tears, kissed her cheeks off, spanked her little cushy bottom (shock, gasp...she probably laughed while I did it).  I have read thousands of books to her, rocked her to sleep, cuddled with her, sang to her, give her correction, worked on spelling her name, counting money and all of the other things she needed to learn.

My prayer is that it was enough.  Enough kisses, love, correction, support, encouragement, laughter, and teachable moments.
You see I am her BIGGEST fan.  Her momma.  Her cheerleader.  And when she is older hopefully she will call me her friend.

Don't we all need that?  We need someone to wipe our tears, calm our fears, cheer us on and correct us when we need it even when it hurts both of us.

If you feel like you don't have that tonight I want you to remember that their is a God who loves YOU just like I love my little Laney.  As much love as I have for her doesn't even compare to the love that God has for us.

I cannot imagine sending any of my children to die for anyone but He did just that.  So you and I could be free from the law of sin and death and have eternal life. (I'm preaching now, somebody give me an amenah).

So today (and for the past several days) we have lavished our love on her. We have told her we loved her a millions times and told her how we couldn't believe she is such a big girl.  We made her hopes and dreams come true for her birthday.

I urge you to not loose hope.  There is a father in heaven just waiting to lavish his love on you if you let him.  He calls you friend.  What do you call him?

Yes, there will be many more birthdays. But tonight I'm thanking God for 7 years with a red headed, feisty, smart, witty, candy loving, not afraid to say anything girl.  I cannot wait to see how He is going to use her.  All eyes are on you God.

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