Thursday, May 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Sweet Mia!

5 years with Jesus. In Heaven. With my loved ones that have passed.

That's how long my sweet Mia has been there. Those of you that have followed my story know that I gave birth to a sweet little girl on May 16th that was too precious for this earth.   We held her, kissed her, loved on her, told her how beautiful she was and how much we would miss watching her grow.

Sometimes it seems like forever ago and sometimes it seems like a minute.

At this point I don't ask for answers.  I have accepted the fact that it wasn't meant for Jeff and I to watch her grow. I choose not to spend my life wondering what if, why and how come?

So today, I tell her story with a smile on my face and love in my heart.

My baby girl is with Jesus. My Grandma and Grandpa Thurman. My great grandparents. Jeff's sweet Grandpa and Grandma Hasty.  Grandpa West. Grandpa King. Uncle Randy. My other babies-Jordan and Elijah. And many others.

She will soon meet PawPaw Leo. Is it weird that it gives me comfort in knowing that he will be with her and take care of her and his other grandchildren until we get there?  If so, oh well.

I tell you today that I wouldn't have made it without my husband, family, Jazzercise family, church family, and HOPE that I would see her again.

Thank you all for helping me keep her memory alive. Thank you for letting me tell her story when miscarriage and infant loss is a taboo subject to talk about.  Thank you for listening, encouraging, comforting, praying, laughing, supporting and just being there.

My life changed the day we met her five years ago and told her goodbye. But thanks to you all that's not the end of the story.

Mia Hope Hasty is a known name.  Her little body was tiny but she was beautiful and had "weight" in this world. 

I am the lucky one. I was chosen to be her momma and tell her story.  I will as long as I live.

Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girl! I miss you. I love you so much!

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