Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How big is your circle?

I am a Christian.  Not a weird, holy roller, snake dancing, religious freak.  Just a Christian.

My definition of being a Christian is to be Christ-like.

I'm full of sin, imperfections, pride and faults too numerous to count.  Most days I am far from being Christ-like but at least I strive to be.

I feel like because I claim to be I automatically get grouped in the gay bashing, full of hate, better than everyone else group.

That's just not me.

Watching the Bible series on the History Channel a few weeks ago reminded me that Jesus hung out with the outcasts, the hated ones, the poor, the unpopular crowd.

My goal my entire life (even in high school) was to NOT  be grouped with a certain type of friends.  Popular, unpopular, cheerleading clique, etc.

As I get older I realize that I still fight so hard to NOT be grouped with a certain type of people.

I want to love as Jesus loved, forgive has He still forgives, humble and not full of pride, and be  HOPE giver.  I want to speak life into your deepest darkest hours.

I believe that we all have a Circle of Influence.  You don't have to believe in God to have one.

You see eyes are always watching you.  People watch what you say on Facebook and social media, how you react to life's situations, how you treat people.  You may not realize it but it's true.  Having children brought that to home for me.  Little eyes are always watching me. YIKES!

So with that in mind I really try to go above and beyond to make up for the crazy Christians I try so hard to not be grouped with.  I tip big, leave hotel rooms spotless when we leave, smile and call a cashier by name, thank people, hold doors for people and smile, you know, little things that could make someones day.  Most importantly I do the right thing when NO ONE is watching.

So I'm asking you today-How big is your Circle of InfluenceNo pressure but eyes are on you today.

I encourage you to go out there and change the world.  One good deed at a time.  Not because you are trying to be a good Christian, or appear to be perfect, but because you are a good person. Period.  I believe it makes the heart of God smile.  He's already so proud of you!

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