Saturday, April 6, 2013

He's Still Working on me....THANKFULLY

There is an old song that I heard the Wallen family children sing probably no less than 100 times when I was young.  One of the verses goes like this:

"There really ought to be a sign upon my heart
  Don't judge me yet there's an unfinished part
  But I'll be perfect just according to His plan
  Fashioned by the masters loving hands"

I thought of the song today as I was weeding my memorial garden.  There were new weeds that had grown in over the winter covering the beautiful white rock that we picked out to go just perfect in the garden.  As I was pulling them I thought to myself "I'm not getting the root, I'm only taking the top off making it look pretty".  I stopped for a second to think about that. I was only making it look pretty temporarily.....but the root would make it grow back.

God so softly spoke into my heart "What other areas of your life do you make look pretty?  But you know the root is still there don't you?"  OUCH.  Talk about stepping on my toes a little.  

It's SO true.  

You see I'm a stasher.  My house most days is ready for company.  I like to clean.  I like organization.  I like things to look pretty. I like perfect.

But....I also stash things.  My sub basement most days is a complete disaster because no one usually sees that part of my home.  I work on the parts of my home that people see, but what they can't see is a MESS.

For instance, if you walked into my cute French Country kitchen you would probably think it's clean.  However I dare you to open up my Tupperware door.  You would find this:

Boy I'm literally airing my dirty laundry aren't I?

On the surface everything is neat and clean and pretty.  But please don't touch the spice door or you may just end up wearing the cinnamon as it falls on you.

So, my God moment today taught me to quit stashing and making things look pretty.  It doesn't do me any good to pull life's weeds if the root still remains.  I need to work on the ROOT of issues.  I need to let God work on the root and make me into what He wants me to be.

Sometimes I think I have learned so much in my 36 years and then WAMMO something knocks me down and helps me realize I have so much more to learn.

I don't have it all together.  My life sometimes isn't very pretty.  We live in a photoshop-autocorrect world.  If we don't like the way we look in a certain picture we can simply correct it with a filter and then it's perfect.

So what I'm telling you is this-maybe together you and I can just be real?  Not pretty-real!  Let's let God mold us into His image instead of a perfect image that we've created.  Without Him we can do nothing anyway.  (I've learned that the hard way).

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Tomorrow is my little Elijah's birthday. Bittersweet.



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