Sunday, August 11, 2013

He's kind of a big deal!

I have been on a journey as of late.  A good but painful journey. You all may remember from past posts that change is very hard for me.  But thankfully as I get older it gets a little easier. (I'm totally lying in hopes that one day it will).

Summer of 2013 has brought several changes for our little family. Up until two weeks ago my oldest (Emmitt) starting middle school was not a big deal.

I will always remember standing in line with my 12 year old (who is almost taller than me) at Pleasant Lea Middle School signing him up for 7th grade.  I thought several things.....Wasn't he just starting kindergarten? ....Man I feel OLD!.....Why do all of these 7th grade girls look like 16 year olds?

That day it dawned on me, my little boy is approaching adolescene. At the very door step of it in fact.

Yet another change for all of us.  As hard as it is on his momma, I welcome it.  Emmitt's First Grade teacher, Mrs. Casey (we love you) taught me to enjoy every season in his life.  Not to look at him getting older as a bad thing, but to enjoy the opportunities that will come his way and watching him grow into the man that God has created him to be.  We get a front row seat. (How lucky are we?)

I'm not going to lie and say that there hasn't been tears shed this week.  There has been a lot of them. But not with sadness like I used to feel in these situations.  With a feeling of an old season passing and a new season for us quickly approaching. Ready or not, hear it comes.

So many times as a parent we have to say little goodbyes to our children's childhood.  Like when they start school or spend the night at a friends house and you realize they don't need you as much as you thought. How about when they go off to camp and don't even miss you? Yes, all parts of growing up but not just for the child, for the parents as well.

But thankfully with the faith that Jeff and I share, and the trust that we have in Jesus Christ, we know that they are in good hands.  They are just on loan to us as parents. It's all God's anyway isn't it?

The word TRUST comes to mind.  We have to TRUST the process.  We have to TRUST God's word. We have to TRUST that we have raised Emmitt well and that he will make good choices when we are not in his ear telling them what to do.

Hebrews 10:23 says: Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be Trusted to keep his promise.

Did you get that?  Maybe you have been let down by others lately.  (I know I have).  Maybe you have lost your trust in others.  I want you to understand that God can be TRUSTed with his promises.  He doesn't waiver.  We have hope.

We can TRUST him even when it comes to our children (which sometimes we feel like belong to us more than Him). We can trust him with our life. I can TRUST Him with Emmitt's life.

Since I have your attention can I take a minute to tell you about my boy? He's extremely smart and his vocabulary is outstanding. (He gets that from his father).  Just yesterday we took him to an aquarium and his sentence started with "Mom, did you know that in greek mythology the seahorse is named Hippocampus which means crooked horse.?" He retains much of what he reads which amazes me every time. (Again, gets that from his dad). He reads on average a novel a week if not more.  He's usually pretty quiet and reserved.  He's been known to be loud with is friends but only on a special occasion. He doesn't mind giving hugs or saying he loves us. At the age of one he was taking things apart so he could figure out how they worked and how they go back together.  He's had one girlfriend (by girlfriend I mean they texted each other) in which he declared "Girls are a lot of work, they always want to talk about their feelings." I told him it only go worse. He's kind of a big deal. (I'm his mom, let me brag).

So tomorrow morning I will send him on his way...TRUSTing that he will be okay.  I cannot guarantee that I will not shed more tears, but I can guarantee that I will TRUST God no matter how I feel.

 Love you Emmitt Michael Hasty!

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