Friday, November 22, 2013

A Not So Fun Subject

I've been MIA from the blog for a few months.  I apologize. If I'm honest I would say that I don't find myself interesting enough to blog a lot. Or I could say that I've been so busy (which I have) but honestly the first reason is the main reason.

My heart breaks this morning as I learned that the family member of a friend I've known for years now found out that they miscarried a baby. It brings to surface where I was at a few years back and those feelings aren't fun.

Last Sunday Jeff and I did a Cardboard Testimony at our church.  If you've never seen on there are several on Youtube.  We represented how God turned Loss and Grief into Hope and Peace. To say I cried a little is an understatement.  I cried so much my head hurt for the rest of they day. As much as we love to get up and talk about how we have HOPE in Jesus that we will see our babies again one day, it never takes away the fact that we would just rather have them here with us to watch them grow. We have had huge loss three times.  Each time we never thought we would make it through, but we did.

As time goes on we find more and more opportunities to help others that are experiencing the same kind of loss.  A loss that's hard for a person to talk about, taboo at times, but oh so real.  You see when a couple finds out they are pregnant they immediately start having hopes and dreams for that baby.  And when they find out that baby has passed away all of their hope and dreams pass away right along with the baby.

Just because you cannot see the baby inside of them doesn't mean that they loved them any less than if they carried a baby to full term. (Read that again, that's powerful).

I was reminded on Monday of a friend who's son went to be with Jesus 7 years ago.  You would never know the hurt she was experiencing that day, the process she was going through.  She was just wonderful, sweet, encouraging Barbara that day.

To the one just experiencing the grief process and hurt from losing a precious child, I'm SO sorry.  I wish we never have to experience things like this.  Do whatever you need to to heal.  You get a hall pass on this, take as much time as you need.  You will make it! I promise.  If I can so can you.

To the one who has a loved one who has experienced the loss of a baby or child can I give you some advice?  Please be patient with them.  Their hurt and loss is real, even if you never saw the baby yourself. Love on them, try not to tell them what to be thankful for (trust me, they don't want to hear it) and just be there for them.  Nothing you say really makes it better anyway.  It's something they have to go through.

I apologize for the not so fun subject. As I leave you today my heart is thankful that even though I too have experienced holding my sweet babies and then letting them go, that I can be used by God to help others.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember all that you have to be thankful for!

Much love,


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