Tuesday, January 14, 2014


"Carleigh, what are you doing?", "I'm sorry momma, she keeps texting me wanting me to do TBH."

I guess that the thing right now.  Kids leave a TBH (To Be Honest) to their friends.  What I have found though is that it's usually a child that needs to know what others think about them.  This particular girl for instance has a very low self esteem and is constantly need attention, and asking "Do I look pretty?"

Oh for the days that I actually worried what other people thought about me.  Do you think that comes with age?  Do we eventually get old enough to not really care what others think about us? I mean I care a little, but TBH (ha) I don't think I really WANT to know. 

Why?  Not because I think I have it all together. But because I really care what those closest to me think.   My desire is that those who know me the best respect me the most. (A line from the book I'm reading called The Circle Maker).  

One of life's biggest goals for me is that everything I do be to the best of my ability.  In my marriage, parenting, being a friend, when doing ministry, in school, as a sister, family member, daughter, etc.  Sometimes I have to put blinders on and not look to the left or right to see how other people are doing things.  I have to be secure with myself.  I have to come to place with God where we say "God, I can't do anything without you, and I'm asking you to help me today."  That's when I'm secure.  That's when I feel loved.  That's when I feel validated.  Knowing that as long as God and I have things in order, everything else is easy peasy.  

So I encourage you today....don't look to the right or left.  Look up for your security.  

 O Lord, You have looked through me and have known me. You know when I sit down and when I get up. You understand my thoughts from far away.  You look over my path and my lying down. You know all my ways very well.  Even before I speak a word, O Lord, You know it all.  You have closed me in from behind and in front. And You have laid Your hand upon me.  All You know is too great for me. It is too much for me to understand. Psalm 139:1-6

If the creator of the entire universe knows your every movement and cares about you, why worry what others think.  Keep on seeking him today.  

TBH...I think you all are fabulous for taking time out of your day to read my blog.  I know I'm very random with it, but I really want to post things that God puts on my heart.  I'm not that interesting ya'll!  Have a great day!


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