Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Counting Backwards

Winter is upon us in Missouri my friends.  Today is terribly cold and the beautiful white snow that fell last week has turned to brown slush.

I have to admit I love a good snow day.  Kids turn their pj's inside out and put spoons behind their pillow waiting to see if school will be called off.  And I love hearing the cheers when they find out that they can stay up late and sleep in tomorrow.  

Do you remember that as a child?  Do you remember how it felt to not have school, and waking up to the promises of having an entire day of NOTHING to do? I still enjoy it as an adult.  Although being the planner that I am, I usually have a craft ready and waiting for a snow day, hot chocolate bought and usually a chore that I want to get done (that I have been putting off) on my snow day.  

This past week was interesting.  One snow day turned into two, and then four and finally five.  I saw moms go from pleasant cheerful women who enjoyed having a snow day, to updating their Facebook statuses to things like "I can't take it anymore",  "The kids WILL have school tomorrow", "My kids don't enjoy each other".

By the way, I'm not judging you if you did say that, think that or yell that.  I want to pose a question to you...10 or 15 years from now won't you wish you would have had more time with them?  Yes, I know they get on your nerves, they get on each others nerves, they fight, and they eat ALL the food but isn't that what they are supposed to do? They ARE children.  

Having extra snow days wasn't great on our schedule either but I just tried to relish in the fact that I had them home for a few more days.  Next month I will have a teenager in the house, a blossoming 11 year old young woman and Delaney Grace who turned 8 years old today.  My baby...8 years old..my oldest a teenager.  How can that be because I am so eh hem young?

The minute I had Emmitt Jeff and I started counting backwards.  We have 18 years (give or take) to help him be the person God has created him to be.  18 years to make childhood memories that will last him his entire life, 18 years to go on vacations and yes even 18 years of winter with a few snow days thrown in there.  The years go down as they get older and I know nothing happens when they turn 18 other than they are older, but with each passing year we cut the strings a little, let them go a little and watch them grow a little.  

Forgive me, I may be sounding a little sentimental but today marks a milestone for our family.  With Delaney turning 8 we no longer have a child in a booster seat/car seat.  Ya'll we have had that for the last 13 years.  I'm not sad about it, however it marks a new season in the Hasty family.  We now have older children.  They usually are more happy when they are home to be in their own rooms doing their thing, not watching Disney movies with mom and pop. 

In around 10 years they will be grown, off to college and dare I say possibly married?  Then it will be Jeff and I staring at each other no longer counting backwards.  And I can't help but think we will question did we do enough?  Were they happy enough? Did we teach them enough? I'm sure there will be regrets but hopefully, just maybe we were able to cherish each year, each snow day, each birthday, each laughter, each smile, each tear, and each milestone.  For too quickly they will be gone.  

Much love to you all and Happy Birthday to my sweet charismatic Delaney.  


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