Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pictures of my adorable babies!


Movie Night at the Hasty’s!


The movie wore Miss D out!


Emmitt at the lake for Jeff’s birthday!


Carleigh loved playing in the sand!


Photo op for Jeff’s bday!


Sand castle fun!


Daddy loves his girl!


Carleigh and her best adopted cousin, Megan!


Emmitt and his adopted cousin, John Michael!


Camping out in the back yard!


Beautiful flowers from by beautiful sis..just because!


This is how we spend our lunches in the summer, everyday is a picnic!


Hello All!

I don’t have much time to write today as I am outnumbered by kiddos.  I’m trying to get in a few more play dates before school starts in a few weeks.

I uploaded a few pictures and just wanted to share them with you!  Enjoy!

Have a terrific Thursday!



Sunday, July 26, 2009

Freedom Sunday!

Hi All!  I’m going to try to make this a quick post.  As I type the family is upstairs watching some type of educational program about animals, and I don’t want to miss out on much needed family time.  However, it’s been a few days since I last posted and I wanted to let you know what’s been going on around our house.

Our friends (that I wrote about in my last post) made it from Tennessee and the kids have been having a BLAST with them.  They have been staying up late, playing outside, going to the water park, and just really enjoying each other.  Jeff has had some much needed one on one time with Jon.  For those of you who don’t know Jon Ritchie, he has an amazing testimony of how God healed him from an alcohol addiction and saved him right in his own home.  Anyway, they have had some much needed “guy” time.  So that has been fun.  I just can’t wait for my friend (Jon’s wife) to come into town on Tuesday so I can get my time in with her.

Jeff and I went out for our Anniversary on Friday night.  (Today is our actual anniversary, 12 years). Angie (my sis) watched the muppits for us so we could have a night out.  We decided on Mexican food and saw The Proposal at the late show.  I have to mention that I’m feeling a lot like Nana these days.  We have been on such a budget this summer trying to pay for Carleigh’s school tuition, that I brought a coupon for our Anniversary dinner.  Can I just tell you that we both ate very nice for the low, low price of $15 bucks.  That’s right $15!!!!  And I still had half of my meal left for lunch the next day! Am I good or what?  Now I know that it’s our Anniversary and technically I could have had whatever I wanted, but I was so happy to use that darn coupon.  Nana would be so proud!  He, He!

Since I mentioned above about Carleigh’s tuition, I feel the need to tell you what’s been going on this summer with that.  We chose an AMAZING but costly Christian school for our kids.  Lee’s Summit has wonderful public schools, but we were drawn to this school the minute we visited it and we have never looked back.  Because we are a single income family (I teach aerobics, but do not make a ton of money doing it) paying thousands of dollars each year is certainly a stretch for it.  That is the reason that Jeff works on his day off.  To pay for LSCCS (a school of about 700 students).  The school has wonderful academics, plenty of extra curricular activities, awesome parents, students and teachers, but what is most import is that my kids are getting  “THE WORD” every single day. It’s not uncommon to get a small piece of paper home in their back pack that says “we prayed for you today” with all of the teachers (Kindergarten or 2nd grade last year) signatures on it.  They took the time from their busy day to pray for MY child.  Wow.  It makes me tear up.  I also cannot talk about how amazing the school is without telling you what they have done for us after loosing the babies.  Last year, when we lost Mia, Emmitt was having a hard time.  We didn’t send him to school one day and that afternoon someone from the class delivered a huge sign that said “Hands lifted in prayer for your family” and it had ALL of his classes handprints on it with their signatures.  He lit up.  It made his day. They delivered plants, gift cards, flowers, cards, prayer shawls, jewelry with HOPE on it and many more things.  I simply thought that you could never top how wonderful that they treated us.  Until I lost Elijah this year.  They truly went above and beyond what we could have ever hoped for.  They sent even more cards, and several moms from school got together and planned meals for us for an entire month.  Every day someone would call and say “this is ___ and we are bringing you supper tonight”.  One mom stopped by after ordering us Pizza and delivered a movie for the kids because she knew that every Friday night we did pizza and a movie for family night.  Can you believe that?  I also received an email from the principal a few days after I got home from the hospital.  It said that she had a busy week and had heard what had happened with us, but didn’t have much time to pray for us.  Then she said that when she got the time that he was born she couldn’t believe it.  That exact day she got home from her busy day at school and started praying for us just “happened” to be the EXACT time that he was born.  I could go on and on about the school but again, I’m trying to keep it short tonight.  I said all that to say this.  Sending them to this school has been a sacrifice for us.  We haven’t done many fancy vacations, we don’t go on shopping sprees, and more days than not I really just wish that we had the extra money to use on other things.  This summer has been spent scrimping and saving the $5,800 that we need to pay for Carleigh’s portion of school and books for both kids. (keep in mind that amount doesn’t include Emmitt’s tuition).  To be honest with you at the beginning of summer I didn’t know how we were even going to pay for half of it.  But here we are, 3 weeks before school starts and we have about $4,800 saved.  (We did this in TWO months).  Can you believe it?  God is so good.  It is truly a miracle.  I’m sure that we will just have to take it year by year (can’t imagine what paying for 3 kiddos will be like), but for now they will be at LSCCS for another year. 

You may be wondering why the title of this post is called Freedom Sunday?  Today at Sheffield Family Life Center we had Freedom Sunday.  It’s a time each year that is put aside at our church for us to come together as a family (no nursery or kids church on that day) and pray for the needs of our family and ask God for our requests.  We also get anointed with oil and prayed for by various Pastors and Board Members of the church.  It is a probably the most powerful Sunday for our church.  God shows up and shows off every year.  And every year within a few weeks someone gets on that stage (the church runs about 5,000 people) and talks about how God answered what they prayed about on Freedom Sunday.  Our Pastor said that someone told him today that last year someone was praying for a liver for his daughter and she had one within three months of Freedom Sunday.  A LIVER!  My prayer for our family today was that God would continue to heal our broken hearts over the loss of those sweet babies.  I prayed that God would reveal to us whatever He would want us to do to help others that ever have to do this.  I also prayed for financial FREEDOM from the bills that we have incurred from having these babies.  We literally stopped paying on Mia’s medical bills one month, and the next month they were rolling in for Elijah.  All three of our last babies cost 3 or 4 times more than our three living children.  I’m going to be honest and tell you that it’s very depressing to go to your mailbox and get a bill for what’s called a “Voluntary Abortion”.  That’s what it is called in the medical world.  Don’t you think that they could come up with a better name for the bill?  How about delivery?  I didn’t do anything voluntary.  I did it kicking and screaming.  I didn’t give those babies up, I didn’t have a choice.  Anyway, I would like you to agree to bind together with Jeff and I about these bills.  I’m not asking for money to drop from heaven (although that would be nice), I’m just asking that they get paid soon so I don’t have to get sick every time I sit down to write bills out.  Is that too much to ask?

Lastly, I just want you to know that it doesn’t have to be just Freedom Sunday for our family and church.  Right now, reading this on your computer, you can stop and “Make your request known to God”.  This could be your FREEDOM SUNDAY!  Get down on your knees, say it under your breath, go grab a family member and pray with them.  Like the Nike add, JUST DO IT.  What are you waiting for? 

I cannot end this without saying “Happy Anniversary” to my wonderful husband.  12 long, short, happy, sad, crazy, but amazing years.  We weren’t supposed to make it.  Many people, including us said it.  But here we are!  I love you!

Ya’ll I tried to make this short but you know me.  I love to talk!  I’m going to go kiss on my kids now! 

Have a great night!



Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just Stuff!!

Hello All!  When I started this blog I my plan was to post a little more often.  But with having 3 kiddos home for the summer and our schedule being crazy that hasn’t happened.  So for now, bare with me and try to make it through the randomness of this post.

I’m a little teary this morning at the fact that school starts in less than one month.  WOW.  It seems like this summer has went by a ton quicker than last summer.  I find myself counting down and again wondering…"Did I do enough with them?”  One thing that I KNOW I didn’t do enough was school work at home. When summer started we took two mornings per week and went over flash cards, practiced math, handwriting, and spelling.  Well, I haven’t done that in at least 3 weeks.  Hopefully knowing that we only have 4 weeks left will get be back on track again.  I read that kids loose a lot of their knowledge in the summer.  Oh well, hopefully they will remember it again once school starts back.  If I were grading me on this subject I would get a big F for the summer.  Live and Learn right?

Jeff just celebrated his birthday on Sunday.  He turned 36 and said that it was one of his better birthdays in a long while.  We celebrated by taking the kids to the lake.  We had to PRY them out of the water due to the fact that the beach was closing soon.  Emmitt has always loved the beach and water (just like his daddy).  He stayed in the water the majority of the time.  The girls however built sand castle after sand castle.  And I think that we brought home most of the sand with us.  I’m still stepping on it around the house.  It was a great day and I’m so glad that I got to share it with my family.  I feel like I cooked all weekend for him. need to look for Blue Bells Ice Cream.  I bought him Blackberry Cobbler for his birthday weekend and it is DA BOMB.  It’s got ribbons of blackberries and even bits of pastry through the ice cream. I have heard that they have an amazing Snickerdoodle ice cream also.  Delish!

We have great friends coming to visit us today from Tennessee.  They are Jon and Lorrie Ritchie and they have a son, John Michael, Emmitt’s age.  And a daughter, Megan, Carleigh’s age.  The kids call them their adoptive cousins.  We met them when they were pregnant with John Michael at a church that we attended and have really been bonded to them ever since.  They have been their for the birth of every child.  When I had Elijah in April, and it was so sudden, Lorrie of course couldn’t be there.  So she called about a million times wanting to know what was going on.  About an hour before I had him we had a knock at the door.  Lorrie had sent her sister, Megan, to “stand in” for her since she couldn’t be their.  I was so touched.  She brought an adorable little Baby Bootie Vase with beautiful blue Hydrangeas in it and also a little Precious Moments stuffed toy that was a little boy on his knees praying.  I don’t think that she even knows what it looks like, so I will be happy to show her what she sent this week when I show her the pics of Elijah.  The kids are SOOOO excited to play with their “cousins”.  It will be a fun few weeks for sure.  BTW, I cannot talk about them without mentioning that their kids go to school with Steven Curtis Chapman’s kids.  Megan plays with his youngest, Stevie Joy a lot.  Jeff and I are in awe because we both feel like he is the best Christian song writer their ever was.  We had two of his songs in our wedding.  It’s no big deal for them to go to birthday parties or have play dates at their house.  I’m like “HELLO, It’s STEVEN CURTIS CHAPMAN”.  For those of you who don’t know him here is his website.  Anyway just had to add that.

Jeff is really close to being done with school for the semester.  He has one test tonight and a final tomorrow and then he is done for 4 weeks.  It will be so nice to have him home in the evenings.  We have missed him so.

My heart is heavy today for my friend Kim.  She will have a double Mastectomy at 10 am this morning.  Please remember her in your prayers.  I cannot imagine how she is feeling right now.  We have meals covered for her family for at least the next 3 weeks.  I keep telling myself “By His stripes she is healed”.  We love you Kim and will be there with you every step of the way!  Stay strong!

My heart is also heavy for a few of my friends right now.  I cannot go into detail about what has happened with all of them.  But they are hurting right now and I just want to make it all better for them.  Please remember a very special “unspoken request” in your prayers today.

On a much lighter and sillier note I have to talk about my Jazzercise. Ya’ll know how much I love Jazzercise.  I started it when Emmitt was just 5 months old and have been their faithfully ever since.  It’s such a great stress reliever and I absolutely love teaching. Every 2 months or so we get a new DVD with about 30 songs on it to teach the class.  Well I just have to say that the newest DVD is AWESOME.  I very rarely get excited about the music because quite frankly when Jeff and I have music on around our house or in the car it’s usually worship music or Hanna Montana. (ha).   So I don’t know a lot of the new music that they send.  However, the new set is totally old school.  It has songs from Paula Abdul, Salt and Peppa (not pepper), Lionel Ritchie, and a tribute to the Jacksons. Now, those are songs that I know.  I think that I was in elementary school when Salt and Peppa came out with “Push It”.  Am I getting old?  I feel like it.  Anyway, I’m so excited to teach the songs and see the looks on the customers faces when I break out Salt and Peppa and the Jackson 5. Ha!

That’s all for now folks. Hope you have an awesome day!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

This is Jeff……

 jeff scanned

to those of you who don’t know my sweet husband, I want to share him with you.

36 years ago today Jeffrey Lee Hasty was born into this world.  He grew up in the booming town of Bismarck Missouri.  He lived in the same home for his entire childhood.  He was really good at Basketball and Baseball in school.  He also played saxophone in the schools band and Jazz band and won MANY awards for his talents.  (Bet you didn’t know that). 

We met at church after he graduated High School.  I really liked his smile and attitude, and boy did he have one back then.  What also attracted me to him was his personality.  He is very quiet when you first get to know him, but once you know him a little while you understand that he is so funny and the life of the party!!!

Jeff accepted Jesus into his heart (and it stuck) at a Carmen concert soon after we started dating.  His life has never been the same.

Jeff graduated X-Ray school on July 18 of 1997 and we married the next week on July 26, 1997.  You may hear him talk about his love for Florida a lot.  I would like to think that it’s because that is where we Honeymooned.  It was both of ours first plane rides, first trip by ourselves, his first time to Disneyworld…and we had a BLAST!

Many of you may not know but Jeff and I moved to Kansas City in 2000 after a very hard trial in our marriage.  We had decided to split up (for reasons that one day I very well may tell you about, just not today), we were living separately and we thought our marriage was OVER.  But GOD>>>he had other plans for us.  Jeff told me that one day God woke him up out of a sleep and told him that it wasn’t over and that we needed to be together.  We got back together and God did a miraculous healing in our marriage and hearts.  Emmitt Michael Hasty was born almost exactly one year to the date that we said that we were over.  The attorney had already been called.  But God>>>again he had other plans for us.  Plans to not harm us, plans to give us HOPE and a FUTURE.  Jeff has said many times that the easy thing would have been to divorce.  The hardest thing that we ever could have done was stay together and work through all that we chose to work through.  I plea to any of you reading this that is going through a “trial” in your marriage.  Trust God.  It may not seem like you are going to make it, but you will.  God has plans for YOU also.

Carleigh Rae Hasty was born on November 11, 2002 and had daddy wrapped around her little finger from the moment that they met.  Although I have to mention that when she was little she cried a lot for me.  I would hand her to Jeff to get things done around the house and she would start crying.  He would bounce her on his knee and say “She hates me”.

Delaney Grace Hasty was born February 11, 2006 and so Jeff had yet another Daddy’s little girl!  They truly have a unique father daughter relationship.  She thinks that the son rises and sets with him.

Then there were our sweet angel babies.  Jordan, Mia and baby Elijah.  Before loosing them I’m sure that Jeff would have told you that there was no way that he could go through anything like that.  He’s such a great dad and loves his kids SO much.  But once again he has persevered and I believe he’s become wiser, stronger, and closer to God and his family all at the same time.

I honestly believe that Jeff could write a book on parenting.  He thinks about things that my mind has never once thought about concerning the children.  Regarding their personalities, sports, what they watch on T.V. and many other things.  He loves those kids more than ANYTHING and has proven over and over again that he would sacrifice anything for them and not complain one time about it.

To wrap it up, here are a few words to describe why I think the world is a better place because of Jeff being born exactly 36 years ago today…..

Jeff is:

  • a Godly man
  • a provider
  • an amazing MRI Technologist
  • a friend
  • a worshiper
  • funny
  • intelligent
  • the best father that I ever could have asked for
  • a loving husband
  • sentimental
  • a fighter
  • a wonderful Coach
  • really good at fixing things around the house
  • always quick to praise someone for a job well done
  • a crier
  • more patriotic than anyone I know
  • a lover of Diet Coke, iphones, golf, MRI, Red Velvet Cake, Hard Rock, Petra, and Disney World

Happy Birthday Babe~!  We LOVE you!

Marsha, Emmitt, Carleigh and Delaney

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A trip to remember!

Since I last wrote my sister and the kids and I took a quick trip down home (one hour south of St. Louis) to visit family and my grandmother who is very sick. (I wrote about her in my last post).  She isn’t doing well and I fear that she only has a little while left on this side of heaven.  However, we had a wonderful time getting to see her and family and showing the kids all that we used to do growing up.  I thought instead of just writing about what we did, I’ll show you in the pics we took. 


Emmitt and Carleigh swimming at my Aunt Lisa’s!



Delaney sleeping at Nana’s house! So sweet!


Jeff’s  mom, brother, father in law, and nephew Taylor and Niece Kaitlyn at the Family Fun Center!


Miss D concentrating on her golf game!


The kids looking completely soaked after squirting each other (and me) on the bumper boats!


Seriously, Taylor was Kaitlyn’s height at Christmas! They are amazing young adults!


My kiddos and Grandma Thurman! I hope to get many more pictures like this with her!


I love this woman!


The kids exploring the woods with PawPaw!


I love this man! He’s 83 years young!


Photo Op by the train tracks that we used to play ON when I was their age!


Delaney so proud of the rocks she picked for the memorial garden!


Love this pic of the kids at Nana’s.  I spent many years growing up at this house!


Emmitt had to try to scale the wall!


Carleigh posing on the old tractor that we used to play on!




The kids on one of Paw Paw’s tractor rides!



One last picture for the day!100_6469

Delaney after she was stung by a wasp 3 times.  Ooooh the drama~


Enjoying the St. Louis arch!


My thinker, figuring out how the arch was made!


E touching a stingray at the St. Louis Zoo!


Carleigh NOT touching the stingray.  Ewww gross!


2 seconds after I took this, the bird squawked at Delaney and made her cry! Ha!


Had to post this.  These are what we in the country call “Chigger Bites”. Ouch!  We were all covered in them.  It was from our walk in the woods!


Popsicle Smiles!


Sweet sisters!



and hugs to you all.  Hope you enjoyed our pictures!


Friday, July 10, 2009

It’s Christmas In July!!!

What?  You didn’t know that it’s Christmas in July?  It is to me.  You see, it’s about this time every year that I get the itch.  What starts it?  Knowing that HSN and QVC will have a few glorious weeks of nothing but Christmas items.  Christmas Decor, Gift Ideas, Toys, and anything that you could possibly need for the Ho-Ho-Home. (I couldn’t resist). 

It all started the July after Jeff and I got married.  He discovered that all the home shopping channels have Christmas in July.  We were glued to the T.V. for an entire week.  Now when July rolls around, instead of planning for Summer activities, I start wondering when HSN will start showing the glorious Christmas Festivities.  I laugh when I see beautiful young models showing off their best “Ugly Christmas Sweater”. 


ugly sweater Here is one you can by on ebay for only $39.99.  Wow what a bargain.  It even lights up!

Did you know that people even have “Ugly Christmas Sweater Parties?”  One of Jeff’s friends was invited to one last year.  Isn’t that a hoot?  Everyone got together and wore what they thought was the ugliest Christmas sweater.  I wonder if they gave a way a prize for the worst?  My wheels are turning now, I want to have a party like that and take LOTS of pictures.  It would be soo fun.

Anyway, back to Christmas.  My families favorite movie is Christmas Vacation.  We watch it every year, (one or two or 50 times).  Unfortunately my kiddos have not been able to watch the best movie ever made because Clark drops a few f-bombs, and other “choice” words.  Maybe this year we’ll do what my dad did when we got to a bad part of a movie when I was growing up……fastforward until he thought it was done and then grunt the whole time.  We’ve been known to quote word for word parts of the movies at each other.  I don’t think that we ever have a meal with my mom and dad and Sis and Tom when someone doesn’t say  “If this is half as good as it looks, we’re in for a reaaaal nice surprise!”  He he!  I laugh just typing it.  BTW…our house is totally decorated for Christmas.  It’s right up there with Clark W. Griswalds.  Every year we add more and more to it.  I’ll have to take a picture this year and post it.

So if your interested, HSN starts Christmas in July on the 15th.  QVC will start theirs on the 25th.  I’m so excited~~

I’ve went so far as to get a Southern Living Christmas book from the library this month.  It had some great ideas and had a recipe that I will most definitely try in November. (if not sooner).  Are you ready for this??? Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream.  I don’t even like sweets, but that sounds DELISH.  You basically take a Frozen Premade Pumpkin Pie, chop it into bite size pieces and stir it into semi melted ice cream.  Then you re-freeze it for a little while.  Mmmmmm.

You may have already guessed that I’m not one of those last minute shoppers.  I start buying things right about now and am usually done by the 1st week of December.  I love finding the perfect gift.  It is truly more blessed to give than receive.  Last Christmas was special because I told Jeff that I was pregnant with Elijah on Christmas Eve.  I wrapped up the little stick in a pretty Christmas package and give it to him as an early Christmas present.  He was soo surprised.  I had always wanted to do that since I was a little girl.  I still have the stick in the pretty box.  The rest of the world didn’t find out about him until February.  It was our little secret.

Well, anyway, I have 5 more months to talk about all the many reasons that I so LOVE Christmas.  (I’m weird, I know that you were thinking it).

Here’s something fun for you to watch (you will have to turn off the music at the bottom of the blog to hear it).  I would love it if you could send me a comment of your favorite Christmas movie or tradition.  Enjoy!1525055785_m.jpg National Lampoons Christmas Vacation image by rebeccadawley

By the way….Christmas is  167 days, 4 hours and 52 minutes.  But who’s counting?

By for now!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Miss D’s Debut!!!!

…you will have to scroll down to the bottom of the screen and turn off the music for you to hear this…


So I took this video last week and thought it was so cute I had to share it.  What I thought was funny about it is at the beginning she says “hi, my name is Laney, and I like to play and dance and FIGHT!”  Don’t know where that came from?  I also think it’s funny that the only part of the song that she knows is “I am a friend of God”.  She sings it over and over again.  She learned when I dropped the kids off at VBS a few weeks ago.  She was there maybe 3 times and picked up on the song.  It’s amazing what they learn so quickly.  Good and bad.  Tonight I had to babysit at Jazzercise and one little boy kept saying “Butt” and “Nerd”.  I could see her wheels turning on how she could use those words in her next sentence.  By the way, there were little girls there and 3 8 year old boys.  Guess who she played with????  U guessed it.  The boys.  She even beat one of them up so much that he came and told on her. Ha!  At least I’ll never have to worry about her not sticking up for herself when she starts dating. 

Switching gears here:

I posted on Facebook today that Emmitt is just certain that President Andrew Jackson is the Grandfather of a Mr. Michael Jackson.  He also informed us last week that he believed that MJ didn’t love Jesus.  We of course asked why he would say such a thing and his response was “None of his songs are about Him!”  Ouch.  Jeff was quick to let him know that MJ and God would be the only ones to know for sure.  I told you all that he was my thinker. 

So my question to you tonight is this…what will people say about you when your gone?  Did you point them to the cross every chance that you got or were there times when you didn’t feel like going against the crowd?

I had a situation just last week where I chose to be the one who didn’t go with the crowd.  No one would have even noticed if I did, they wouldn’t have said anything if I gave in.  I think sometimes true success in life is doing the right thing even when no one is looking. 

Switching gears again:

I need prayer for my Grandma Thurman this week.  She is 77 years old and is very sick.  She has Congestive Heart Failure, her kidneys are failing, and she has fluid around her lungs from an infection that she has had ongoing.  She is also starting to have short term memory loss.  She says the same things over and over again.  And will ask you a question 6 times.  The Dr’s have pretty much said that there is nothing much they can do for her, so she is starting Hospice on Friday. My grandpa died the fall after I graduated high school.  She has been very sad since he passed and I just think that she’s ready to go “Home”.  I’m planning on going home to visit her next week.  I hope she stays with us for a long time, but if not, I want to hug her one last time. The last time that I talked to her was a few days after I had Elijah.  She just kept saying over and over again “I’m sorry about your baby, I’m sorry about your baby”. I’m 5 hours away from her and still remember the way she smells.  She’s known for her Chicken and Dumplings and you will hardly ever find her without a giant cup sipping sweet tea or diet soda.  Virginia is her name.  Please remember her tonight.  The aging process is never easy on the person who is aging, or the family that they leave behind.

I’ve talked about Delaney, Emmitt and Grandma.  How can I end this blog without talking about my sweet Carleigh?  I noticed something about her tonight at Jazzercise as well.  She is 6 1/2 years old, and is getting ready to start 1st grade.  You see she was there with 4 little girls (ages 4 and 5), but she didn’t play with them one time.  She practiced math homework and fiddled with my ipod and even sent her daddy a text at school.  WOW> my little girl is growing up.  When did she stop playing with dolls?  When did she get too big to play with toys?  When the heck did she learn to text? LOL.

That’s all for now folks.  Hope you enjoy Miss D’s debut!



Sunday, July 5, 2009

The 4th, Fireworks, Fantastic Food, Family, Fearlessness, Freedom, Fun and Falling asleep under the stars!

Whew!  What a title.  That pretty much sums up our July 4th. 

We spent waaay too much $$ on fireworks (although it was worth every penny), we ate some fantastic food, (our gatherings wouldn’t be complete without hashbrown casserole), my family came over, Emmitt, Carleigh, and Delaney were way too fearless with the fireworks, (yes I do let them light them,ooooh bad mom I know), spent the day reflecting about my freedom given to me by others who put their lives at risk everyday, and finally after a loooong day of fun the kiddos and I fell asleep under the stars in our backyard.  (Listening and watching fireworks all around).  It was wonderful.  Dare I say the best July 4th to date.  It makes me wonder how we can top it next year.

Here are some fun pics of our day.  And I don’t think Jeff cried one time.  How was your day?

100_6155 100_6156 100_6169 100_6161100_6174   100_6197100_6301 100_6307