Sunday, July 19, 2009

This is Jeff……

 jeff scanned

to those of you who don’t know my sweet husband, I want to share him with you.

36 years ago today Jeffrey Lee Hasty was born into this world.  He grew up in the booming town of Bismarck Missouri.  He lived in the same home for his entire childhood.  He was really good at Basketball and Baseball in school.  He also played saxophone in the schools band and Jazz band and won MANY awards for his talents.  (Bet you didn’t know that). 

We met at church after he graduated High School.  I really liked his smile and attitude, and boy did he have one back then.  What also attracted me to him was his personality.  He is very quiet when you first get to know him, but once you know him a little while you understand that he is so funny and the life of the party!!!

Jeff accepted Jesus into his heart (and it stuck) at a Carmen concert soon after we started dating.  His life has never been the same.

Jeff graduated X-Ray school on July 18 of 1997 and we married the next week on July 26, 1997.  You may hear him talk about his love for Florida a lot.  I would like to think that it’s because that is where we Honeymooned.  It was both of ours first plane rides, first trip by ourselves, his first time to Disneyworld…and we had a BLAST!

Many of you may not know but Jeff and I moved to Kansas City in 2000 after a very hard trial in our marriage.  We had decided to split up (for reasons that one day I very well may tell you about, just not today), we were living separately and we thought our marriage was OVER.  But GOD>>>he had other plans for us.  Jeff told me that one day God woke him up out of a sleep and told him that it wasn’t over and that we needed to be together.  We got back together and God did a miraculous healing in our marriage and hearts.  Emmitt Michael Hasty was born almost exactly one year to the date that we said that we were over.  The attorney had already been called.  But God>>>again he had other plans for us.  Plans to not harm us, plans to give us HOPE and a FUTURE.  Jeff has said many times that the easy thing would have been to divorce.  The hardest thing that we ever could have done was stay together and work through all that we chose to work through.  I plea to any of you reading this that is going through a “trial” in your marriage.  Trust God.  It may not seem like you are going to make it, but you will.  God has plans for YOU also.

Carleigh Rae Hasty was born on November 11, 2002 and had daddy wrapped around her little finger from the moment that they met.  Although I have to mention that when she was little she cried a lot for me.  I would hand her to Jeff to get things done around the house and she would start crying.  He would bounce her on his knee and say “She hates me”.

Delaney Grace Hasty was born February 11, 2006 and so Jeff had yet another Daddy’s little girl!  They truly have a unique father daughter relationship.  She thinks that the son rises and sets with him.

Then there were our sweet angel babies.  Jordan, Mia and baby Elijah.  Before loosing them I’m sure that Jeff would have told you that there was no way that he could go through anything like that.  He’s such a great dad and loves his kids SO much.  But once again he has persevered and I believe he’s become wiser, stronger, and closer to God and his family all at the same time.

I honestly believe that Jeff could write a book on parenting.  He thinks about things that my mind has never once thought about concerning the children.  Regarding their personalities, sports, what they watch on T.V. and many other things.  He loves those kids more than ANYTHING and has proven over and over again that he would sacrifice anything for them and not complain one time about it.

To wrap it up, here are a few words to describe why I think the world is a better place because of Jeff being born exactly 36 years ago today…..

Jeff is:

  • a Godly man
  • a provider
  • an amazing MRI Technologist
  • a friend
  • a worshiper
  • funny
  • intelligent
  • the best father that I ever could have asked for
  • a loving husband
  • sentimental
  • a fighter
  • a wonderful Coach
  • really good at fixing things around the house
  • always quick to praise someone for a job well done
  • a crier
  • more patriotic than anyone I know
  • a lover of Diet Coke, iphones, golf, MRI, Red Velvet Cake, Hard Rock, Petra, and Disney World

Happy Birthday Babe~!  We LOVE you!

Marsha, Emmitt, Carleigh and Delaney

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