Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Miss D’s Debut!!!!

…you will have to scroll down to the bottom of the screen and turn off the music for you to hear this…


So I took this video last week and thought it was so cute I had to share it.  What I thought was funny about it is at the beginning she says “hi, my name is Laney, and I like to play and dance and FIGHT!”  Don’t know where that came from?  I also think it’s funny that the only part of the song that she knows is “I am a friend of God”.  She sings it over and over again.  She learned when I dropped the kids off at VBS a few weeks ago.  She was there maybe 3 times and picked up on the song.  It’s amazing what they learn so quickly.  Good and bad.  Tonight I had to babysit at Jazzercise and one little boy kept saying “Butt” and “Nerd”.  I could see her wheels turning on how she could use those words in her next sentence.  By the way, there were little girls there and 3 8 year old boys.  Guess who she played with????  U guessed it.  The boys.  She even beat one of them up so much that he came and told on her. Ha!  At least I’ll never have to worry about her not sticking up for herself when she starts dating. 

Switching gears here:

I posted on Facebook today that Emmitt is just certain that President Andrew Jackson is the Grandfather of a Mr. Michael Jackson.  He also informed us last week that he believed that MJ didn’t love Jesus.  We of course asked why he would say such a thing and his response was “None of his songs are about Him!”  Ouch.  Jeff was quick to let him know that MJ and God would be the only ones to know for sure.  I told you all that he was my thinker. 

So my question to you tonight is this…what will people say about you when your gone?  Did you point them to the cross every chance that you got or were there times when you didn’t feel like going against the crowd?

I had a situation just last week where I chose to be the one who didn’t go with the crowd.  No one would have even noticed if I did, they wouldn’t have said anything if I gave in.  I think sometimes true success in life is doing the right thing even when no one is looking. 

Switching gears again:

I need prayer for my Grandma Thurman this week.  She is 77 years old and is very sick.  She has Congestive Heart Failure, her kidneys are failing, and she has fluid around her lungs from an infection that she has had ongoing.  She is also starting to have short term memory loss.  She says the same things over and over again.  And will ask you a question 6 times.  The Dr’s have pretty much said that there is nothing much they can do for her, so she is starting Hospice on Friday. My grandpa died the fall after I graduated high school.  She has been very sad since he passed and I just think that she’s ready to go “Home”.  I’m planning on going home to visit her next week.  I hope she stays with us for a long time, but if not, I want to hug her one last time. The last time that I talked to her was a few days after I had Elijah.  She just kept saying over and over again “I’m sorry about your baby, I’m sorry about your baby”. I’m 5 hours away from her and still remember the way she smells.  She’s known for her Chicken and Dumplings and you will hardly ever find her without a giant cup sipping sweet tea or diet soda.  Virginia is her name.  Please remember her tonight.  The aging process is never easy on the person who is aging, or the family that they leave behind.

I’ve talked about Delaney, Emmitt and Grandma.  How can I end this blog without talking about my sweet Carleigh?  I noticed something about her tonight at Jazzercise as well.  She is 6 1/2 years old, and is getting ready to start 1st grade.  You see she was there with 4 little girls (ages 4 and 5), but she didn’t play with them one time.  She practiced math homework and fiddled with my ipod and even sent her daddy a text at school.  WOW> my little girl is growing up.  When did she stop playing with dolls?  When did she get too big to play with toys?  When the heck did she learn to text? LOL.

That’s all for now folks.  Hope you enjoy Miss D’s debut!



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