Wednesday, August 19, 2009

1st day of school jitters…for all of us!

So Emmitt and Carleigh started school today.  It seems like just yesterday they were little babies, and now they are in 3rd and 1st grade.  My babies are growing up.  Regardless of whether I want them to, it’s going to happen.  I wish I could just get new moms to understand how fast time goes when you have children. 

Before kids it’s all about you.  You go to nice restaurants, have fancy dates, watch whatever you want to on t.v. and actually have a little extra cash to spend on clothes and for men electronics.

Then something happens.  God plants a little seed in side of a mother.  A baby.  Not just a baby, but a miracle.  Something that grows from a little tiny heartbeat.  To a living, breathing, fully functioning human being.  A one of a kind original work of art. 

That in itself is a miracle.  I have six children (5 of which I have seen with my own eyes) and none of them are alike.  Do they favor each other, yes, do the favor Jeff and I, yes, but do they look like an exact replica of us or each other, NO.  Their hands are all different, their feet are all different.  Emmitt is taller for his age, Delaney is smaller for her age. Carleigh has a different nose than all of us.  Mia had the tiniest sweetest hands, and Elijah had long legs and arms and big feet.  Even their personalities are entirely different. 

One would think that since they come from the same “genes”, and live in the same house with the same parents they would be a little alike right?  Not in our house. 

I remember spending at least 3 days after having Emmitt trying to figure out just HOW he was inside of me?  When he was in my stomach he was a “baby”, but when I met him he was “Emmitt”.  I also remember having a strange déjà vu feeling like I had met him before.  When they showed him to me for the first time I just said (in my head) “Of course that’s what he looks like, I’ve seen him before”.

Then Carleigh Rae came along.  By that time Emmitt was 18 months old and it felt like we had only had him just a few months.

Careing for 2 made the days go by a lot quicker and I find myself now looking at pictures to remember the way things were.

I told Jeff last night that we didn’t understand how life was when it was just Emmitt and us.  We had a small duplex, small car, barely any furniture, no agenda, less hectic schedules, and time……time…..time.

Where did the time go?  When did I go from 2 babies to 3?  Why does it seem like I blinked and they all just grew up?

I try to embrace the changes.  I try to get excited about all that they will be learning this school year and how much they will grow, physically, mentally, but most important spiritually.

I find that with every passing year we become a little closer, I love them even more now than when I met them, and they become even more a part of me.  They make 

They have changed me.  They have made me more patient, more loving, more aware of life (I used to be pretty gullible).  I eat better, sleep harder, laugh louder, and love deeper.

Who would I be without Emmitt, Carleigh and Delaney?  I don’t ever want to know who I would have been.  I’m so thankful for the way they have changed me..for the better.

To all you mommies out there reading this with little ones, I want to tell you to take time today to cherish them.  Soon they will be off to school, off to a friends house, off to football, off to college, off to their wedding. 

I did well today.  I didn’t cry at all.  I sent them off with a smile and a little sadness in my heart.  They are growing up, but I’m excited to see all that God has planned for them.  I get to be their mommy.  There is no greater gift.  I’m certain of that.

How did Emmitt go from this:


to this:



How did Carleigh go from this:


to this:



How did Delaney go from this:


to this:



If any of you ever figure out how to slow down time…let me know will ya~  Because it’s going waaaaaay to fast!

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