Friday, August 14, 2009

It’s been a Super-Dee-Duper Summer!~











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Hi Friends! 

I’ve had a little blogging hiatus, not because I wanted to necessarily, but because life at the Hasty’s is BUSY!!!

Whew, I’ve barely been able to catch my breath.  You know how everyone tells you to start getting you kids to bed early a few weeks before school start?  That won’t be a problem for us because they have been CRASHING every night.

Our friends from Tennessee left on Monday of this week.  We had a great visit with them and the kids love their kids even more than ever.  Can I just tell you that Lorrie very nonchalantly mentioned to me that Steven Curtis Chapman’s son called John Michael when they got back from China and asked if he would still be interested in Drum lessons with him.  I said “Are you kidding, he’s got to do it!”  The kid is an amazing musician and JM already has a musical spirit in him.  If it were us, I would have brought Emmitt over right away.  I’ll let you know if it happens?  What an opportunity though.

The kids have been counting down the days left of summer break.  They are not ready for summer to end.  I’ve tried very hard to make summer fun for them, so fun in fact that they want to be homeschooled so they can be home with me all of the time. Ha.  Indecently their classes start on Wednesday, August 19.  Their clothes are bought, the supplies are bought, the new shoes are bought (thank you mom and dad and Tom and Angie for your help with everything) so ready or not……here they come!

One goal that I had for the summer was to switch rooms out for the kids.  I didn’t think that it was going to happen.  However, this week we finally started switching rooms and they are oh so happy.  Let me tell you, 2 room and 3 kiddos have been a trip.  First it was Emmitt in the large room, then Carleigh came along and we made our office into her nursery.  Then Miss D came along and we put the two girls in the large room and E in the smaller room.  Then E and C decided that they wanted to be together in their own room, so we bought a bunk bed and put Miss D in the little room with her toddler bed which fit perfect in that tiny room.  When we found out about Elijah, we were going to put the two girls in one room, the two boys in the other.  Not ideal, but sometimes you just have to roll with what life deals you.  After he passed we decided that Emmitt is getting big and it’s probably time for him to have his own room again.  So, now he’s back in the little room and the girls are in the big room.  I’ve lost track of how many times that is, but it’s about 5 times too many.  It’s a good thing that I love to redecorate huh?  Anyway….E is loving his privacy in his Mizzou room, and the girls are loving being together. I hope that they spend many nights giggling together.  My plans are to paint this weekend.  We shall see if that actually happens.   But at least they are moved, that was my goal anyway.

Last night Emmitt and I went on a “date”.  We hadn’t done that in a while and it was wonderful.  He looked so forward to it all day.  I told him that he could pick where we would go to eat and what we would do after that.  His choice was to order Dominos, go watch the kids skate at the new skate park, and then head to Wal-mart for a new toy. (He ended up with two new toys, but who’s counting).  As I stated on Facebook, I’m pretty sure I’m his new best friend.  I scored some major mom points last night.  Carleigh has decided that she wants to go to the spa and then to Olive Garden.  I heard her tell Emmitt that she and I will wear fancy dresses on our date. If we do, I’ll take a picture so you can share it with us.

Jeff starts his new class at College next week.  This class will be two days per week from 5:30-10 p.m. It’s a Chemistry class so please pray for him because it will be HARD.

Tuesday we celebrated Delaney’s 3 1/2 birthday.  I made her a half birthday cake and we sang happy birthday to her.  She was so excited as if it were her “real” birthday, and she didn’t even care that there weren’t any presents.  Love it!

I wrote a few notes back about my grandma Thurman.  I just wanted to update you that she is not doing well at all.  They are preparing the family for her to pass soon.  Her heart is working at less than 20% right now and she’s going downhill fast.  She went from walking fine, to walking with a walker, to being pushed in a wheelchair, to now not even walking at all.  She lays in her hospital bed all day.  She is very week because her heart is only pumping blood to the vital organs to keep her alive.  She’s not getting enough oxygen to her brain which causes her to forget every thing.  She doesn’t even remember the visit that Angie, the kids and I made in July.  My dad brought her the pictures of us together and she commented that she it’s been so long since she last saw us.  She has also been seeing her deceased mother, husband (my grandpa) and brother at night.  She tells them that they were just there with her.  I don’t think it will be long for her at all.  I don’t want her to die, but the thought of her spending eternity with my babies, grandpa, and all of her loved ones brings such peace to my heart.  My dad and family will really miss her.  I cannot imagine being without my mother and father on this earth.  I hope the Lord comes back quickly so I won’t ever have to deal with that.  Can I get an amen?

I’m off to go sort books for Mrs. Casey (Carleigh’s new teacher) and then pick out paint for the girls room.  Then I need to return the 12 phone messages that are waiting on me. Ugh!  It might be a crazy life, but it’s our life.

Blessing to you, have a wonderful weekend!

The Mighty Mersh

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