Friday, August 7, 2009


This will be a quick post because I have to teach Jazzercise in exactly one hour and I’m still in my jammies!

I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am this morning for all that God has given me.

It dawned on me yesterday that I have been able to stay at home and raise my children for 8 1/2 years! Wow.  When I was pregnant with Emmitt, I would have never thought that would be a possibility, and here it is reality.  Not only did I get to raise him, I got to raise Carleigh, and now Delaney.

He truly makes a way when there seems to be no way!

Here are a few more things I'm THANKFUL for:

  • my husband who provides for our every need, and who loves Jesus more than he loves me and the kids
  • healthy children (that’s huge)
  • a home
  • two cars that never cause us trouble
  • food in our pantry
  • watching the first step, first tooth, first word, first everything with the kids
  • freedom in this country, freedom in the Spirit, freedom in the Lord
  • friends and family that HAVE MY BACK when one of the worst things in my life happened to me, not only once but 3 times
  • I'm thankful that Jesus loves me as if I’m the only one He ever had to love and if it were only me on this earth He would have came and died just for me!
  • that my kids never “want” for anything
  • that my bills are paid (not in full, but not late either)
  • that even though I don’t get to watch Jordan, Mia and Elijah grow up…I still get to be their mommy, I know that God trusted me with them
  • for my sweet sister and mom and dad who I know would do ANYTHING for me
  • for this blog…it’s helped me to get to know a lot of you better

What are you thankful for this morning?  Take a few moments this morning and think about all that God has done for you.  You are sure to NOT be disappointed.  He’s so GOOD!

I’m off to dance my heart out!  Have a great day!

Love you all, Muahhh!


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