Sunday, May 31, 2009

10 things about life that I learned from Delaney!

1. Taking something away and running from Emmitt and Carleigh is a lot more fun than just asking for it.

2. Walking around in just your "undies" is perfectly acceptable.

3. You can follow up with a question with the words "or what" and get a good reaction out of people. ie. "Are you going to give me some gum or what?"

4. A scraped knee is always a good way to get an ice cream or candy.

5. There are 4 basic food groups...candy, ice cream, snacks, and the food your mom says you HAVE to eat.

6. If you're scared, find mom and dad, they'll make it all better!

7. A nap is 55 minutes of playing in your room with the door shut, and 5 minutes of actually sleeping.

8. Mommy leaving me alone with daddy will ALWAYS result in new nail polish or make-up.

9. When your 3 years old, you can talk as loud as you want in quiet places, because your 'free' years old.!

10. If someone isn't listening to you just scream for a little while, that'll get there attention!


A Kite said...

Only Laney.........that girl brings joy to my life!!! Can't imagine this world without her! =0)

Amber Benge said...

Hi. I came from Angie's blog and I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you. I can't imagine losing two precious little ones within a year, but I can certainly go to the Lord and ask Him to give you peace, comfort, and a big dose of His extraordinary love!!