Sunday, July 5, 2009

The 4th, Fireworks, Fantastic Food, Family, Fearlessness, Freedom, Fun and Falling asleep under the stars!

Whew!  What a title.  That pretty much sums up our July 4th. 

We spent waaay too much $$ on fireworks (although it was worth every penny), we ate some fantastic food, (our gatherings wouldn’t be complete without hashbrown casserole), my family came over, Emmitt, Carleigh, and Delaney were way too fearless with the fireworks, (yes I do let them light them,ooooh bad mom I know), spent the day reflecting about my freedom given to me by others who put their lives at risk everyday, and finally after a loooong day of fun the kiddos and I fell asleep under the stars in our backyard.  (Listening and watching fireworks all around).  It was wonderful.  Dare I say the best July 4th to date.  It makes me wonder how we can top it next year.

Here are some fun pics of our day.  And I don’t think Jeff cried one time.  How was your day?

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1 comment:

A Kite said...

Hopefully Laney didn't have any bruises on her arms.......I was pulling her away from the fireworks after they were lit so fast that I thought she'd be bruised up. Note to self though, I would have been bruised in the knees if I didn't let her help me light them....I knew I was in trouble when she said, "I can do it by myself. I know what to do."