Thursday, July 2, 2009

Questions and other random things!

    Why in the world do I feel such pressure to be the “Perfect MOM?”  I have realized in the last few days that I put tons of unnecessary pressure on myself.  I have never been the type to sit still long.  I always want to be doing something, cleaning something, playing with the kids or changing the world.  I don’t just RELAX. 

    So here I am July 2, 2009 and I struggle with the question “have I made summer fun for them this far?”.  It’s very rare if I don’t have every moment of every day planned out.(As much as you can plan for things with 3 kiddos).  We’ve been to farms, pools, water parks, libraries, play dates, parks, malls, educational exhibits, VBS, Sports Camps, Numerous Bike Rides (all in one month mind you) and I'm sitting here tonight wondering “is it enough?”  Ahhhhhh! 

    I decided this week to just relax a little.  They don’t have to do everything, be everything, and get along perfectly all of the time.  One day this week the kids were struggling to get along together and I was so upset.  I was just certain that I was a horrible parent and that was a reflection of how I had parented them.  Then it was like God himself just smacked me across the forehead and said “They’re just being kids”.

    So tonight, after I post this, I’m going upstairs to just enjoying being with them and not doing everything with them.  We’ll see how it goes.  It’s not in my nature to “chillax” but I’m sure going to try.  I have housework to do, and the yard needs mowed, but it can all wait right?  Lord know the laundry monster will be there waiting on me tomorrow and the next day and the next day. Ugh. 

    What have you been up to?  Let’s see, since I last posted:

  • the kids started a Sports Life camp at Deerbrook Church and absolutely loved it.  The learned a ton, had a ton of fun and hopefully will remember the “experience” of Jesus being there for the rest of their life.

  • Jeff and I tackled the basement that had gotten OUT OF CONTROL after having 3 kids.  We had every baby item the ever had.  I went from about 45 totes of clothes and misc. baby items to about 3 totes for Delaney (of Carleigh’s clothes) and a few seasonal totes.  Yeahhh!  It looks so good down their I should take a picture.  It seriously was our “dirty little secret”.  I would have died if anyone ever wanted to go down there.  I’m telling on myself but I’m admittedly a stasher.  Things always look clean, but don’t open the pantry, or the Tupperware drawer and don’t you even think about going down to the sub-basement.  That’s were everything is stashed.  Anyway…focus Marsha

  • We finished planting the rest of the plants and vines in our memorial garden for the babies.  It looks so pretty out there and is SOOO peaceful.  I’m so thankful that Jeff had the idea to do it.

  • We spent a day at Summit Waves with some of our new friends and had a blast.  However, Carleigh is finally brave enough to go down the slides and I was the lucky one who got to go up and down the 300 stairs with her about 10 times.  My glutes weren’t happy the next day but it was all worth it.  What was also worth it was talking my mom into going down one of the slides with me.  She is what you call a chicken who can’t swim.  It only goes to 4 ft of water so I was able to talk her into it.  I will never forget the way she screamed or the look of terror that she had on her face when we got off.  Priceless. ha.

  • Jeff started week number 5 of school.  Wow.  So proud of him.  He’s doing really well but is completely ready for this class to be over.  He is learning about parts of the anatomy that he will never need to know, but necessary for the class. 

  • We went on a Family bike ride Sunday evening.  It was great.  Carleigh rode out in front of a car TWICE, and Emmitt decided that he was going to ride on a main rode instead of the side walk.  That’s when the “momma” came out in me and I told him to get on the sidewalk NOW!!!  We got home in one piece so score for us.

  • the kids are sooo excited for the 4th of July.  We tie-dyed t-shirts and tanks last Wednesday for the 4th.  Never done that before, but they loved it and were so proud of their creations.  I can’t wait to take pics.  I also cannot wait to see the looks on their faces as we do fireworks.  I love it.  I’m sure our moment will be complete with the patriotic CD that Jeff made for us.  I wonder how many times Jeff will cry on the 4th?  He is so sentimental, I love that he cries more than I do.  Sorry hunny, did I just write that?

Wow, for someone who sat down and didn’t know what to write about I sure wrote a lot!

So sorry, I’ll try to write a little more often and post a little less.  I don’t want to take up your entire eve just wanted to fill you in on “The Days Of Our Lives”.

Wishing you a wonderful 4th from the Hasty family!



P.S. This post wouldn’t be complete without pics of the reason why I get out of bed every morning!  Here ya go!





1 comment:

Becky said...

very sweet pics, Marsha! you guys have been busy this summer--you definitely need to just sit back, relax, and do nothing!!
Loved your story about being a stasher! we all have our secrets! :)