Tuesday, June 25, 2013

He Has Such A Way With Words

I came across this gem a few days ago.  I had forgotten about it. My husband wrote it a year after our baby boy Elijah was born.  Such a sweet sweet man I have.  I thought you might like to read it.  Enjoy.

Well, i don't type stuff like this for everyone to see much anymore but today is a special day. This is going to be long, sorry, deal with it........ A year ago today i held for the first and only time this side of Heaven our baby boy Elijah Jake Hasty. It's weird even reading that myself right now.........I can't believe that Elijah was here and gone.........It was only one year earlier that we held his sister Mia and let her go too......how did this happen? Why? How could God ask this of us again? I wish I had all of those answers, but the truth is, it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't make the hurt less, or the pain less real. God chose for Elijah to be here with us a short time, way too short. I have felt every emotion you can imagine over the last year. That day a year ago seems far off sometimes and sometimes it feels like yesterday. I knew as i was holding Elijah's lifeless body that God was doing something deep in me, i knew that like the year before, i would never be the same. But, i also knew that i would blow it daily too and that i would let God down even though i promised Him the world that day and begged Him to take it all away. In that moment, I heard God say to me....."Do you trust me?" My response has always been of course i do. But, this time i said "i don't know?"

That day last year, i wasn't sure of much...................but as the day unfolded here is what happened. Family and friends began to come and call. There were many prayers and more tears. Marsha's sister came and didn't leave for one minute the entire time, she is a great Aunt to our kids. Thank you Angie for being who you are and for holding us and supporting us. I am thankful to know you. I love you very much. 2 Angels on earth made their way to the hospital: Randy and Lisa Burns- what you did for us over those 2 days will never, ever be able to be explained here on earth. You are 2 beautiful people and I pray that God surrounds you forever with His presence. I know there is no way to ever return the favor to you both so i will simply but humbly say Thank You. Throughout the day many people came and went. If i start to name some i will no doubt forget a few people and i don't want to disrespect anyone so for all of you that came before, during and after Elijah's birth i say Thank You to you too. My brother and I traded phone calls and about 1000 txt messages. I couldn't talk to him for very long because the tears would come and i hated to try and talk to him through the tears so we texted ALOT. There were all the wonderful, amazing, Godly people from what i just call Sheffield but some of you know as Sheffield Family Life Center......an AMAZING church that we were privileged and honored to call home for almost 9 years. If ever a church lived out what God called them to, it is you!!!! No way we could thank everyone from there either......Ps Willie....i love you soooo much. If you could see what my heart feels about you, then and only then you would understand how much you mean to us. My best buddy Jon called every little bit and always would start out praying for me. I will always be thankful to God that he brought Jon into my life........Jon, you are a good man. Thank you for your friendship and guidance. I hope that i am half the friend to you that you have been to me. There were continued calls, my mom and dad called several times....my mom was so precious and i am sure broke some speed limits to get here and my dad was heart broken to see us suffering so much. I have been blessed with fantastic parents. Mom, i love you so much and i am grateful God chose me to be your son. My co-workers were incredible and especially Miss Jill. Jill, you are a great friend. I could never thank you enough for all you have done for me. I am so thankful that i know You, Eric and Lilly. Whatever i can ever do for you guys, it's done! Others came and went and none of you went unnoticed or unappreciated i can assure you of that. Marsha's parents came and it was good to have them there for Marsha. I have great in-laws......i probably don't treat them as well as i should but they are great people who i respect and admire a lot. Tommy made his way there too and what can i say about Tommy? One of the best friends i have ever had. A good soul that the world could use more of just like him. Thank you Tommy for holding our hands through this......you have been better to me than i deserve and i say Thank You to you and that i love you buddy. Then comes my very best friend and the best sister i could have ever imagined to have. Genny....words could never explain what you mean to me. For 10 years you have been by our side on top of the mountains and in the deepest darkest valley. You held me up that day last year and days since then......it was an honor to share Elijah's birth with you......when asked to define friend, it is an easy one word answer to me.....Genny! You, Tony and your kids have been my family up here, i love you guys and bending as low as i can, i say Thank You and may God bless your days for the love and compassion you have shown our family………………… It's hard to even type this one but i press on.....Fel......hmmmm........still hard to type it. What can i say? There is something deep, way deep down inside my heart that could never be expressed in human language for what you mean to me. You held my son and dedicated him back to Jesus. You spoke such beautiful, powerful words through your pain for us. I wish more than anything i could remember all you said that day. Your words were precious to me. They were life giving to me. You carried God with you into our room. The atmosphere changed when you got there. It is a high honor to know you and to call you friend. I will live the rest of my days telling people what happened in that room and what you did for us. If God has ever let me see Him in the flesh, i have seen Him through you. Please know that i owe a life debt to you.......as long as i have breath, whatever you need from me is done! No questions asked! I love you Bro and i am so grateful that you, Dianna and your boys are in our life. We are all in fact doing life together. For that, i am eternally grateful.

Marsha ---- can i start by saying how beautiful your heart and spirit is. What could i have ever done to deserve someone like you? I am so sorry we have had to walk down this path.....you don't deserve to carry this pain. But, you have handled it with more grace and dignity than i thought was humanly possible on this earth. I wish i could take all of this away from you. I wish you could wake up tomorrow and this didn't happen. I know it’s not possible, but i ache to try and take this away from you. Since we are here and since we carry what we carry, there is NO-ONE i would want to carry this with but you. God is not going to waste our pain; He will not leave this unredeemed. On that day, when all is stripped away, the pain will melt away as we run into Elijah's arms and we see that everything is ok. God will be smiling i am sure at how you handled what He asked us to carry. Besides all the obvious things, the one huge reason that i get upset when i think about all of this is, Elijah was deprived of having the best Mommy here on earth........I wanted to be his daddy soooooo much, but when i see you with our kids, i know one day they will look back and say very simply and with all honor...."We had the best Mom." If they were giving that award out, it's yours! Don't ever let the enemy of our souls or someone on this earth EVER tell you that you are anything other than what God says about you..........I am forever yours, on the mountain and through the valley, i got your back babe. I love you. We will plant Hope and when all is said and done, God will say: Well done Jeff and Marsha, you have carried what I asked of you, welcome home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emmitt, Carleigh and Delaney------daddy loves you and i want you to know that i will keep trying everyday to be all that you need from me. You have shown incredible resilience and resolve. Elijah is waiting on you........You are still his brother and sisters......you get to see him one day. God will never, ever give up on you, don't give up on Him!

So, where does that take us? Let me go back to that room 365 days ago. Tremendous pain and heartache, God asking me if i trusted Him and my answer was "i don't know?" All of a sudden in the middle of the room, my son lying in his crib waiting for me to release him back to God. I looked around the room, surrounded by people that love me more than i could imagine, surrounded by flowers, surrounded by gifts. I heard God whisper to me........"I sent these people to love and hold you until I can." At that moment, i knew it was all going to be ok. God didn't change......He loves us. He knew what it was like to lose a son and through the pain and with tears running down my face, i said "God, I trust you."

Thank you to all of you that have been a part of our journey. I will say to you what I said to my kids……..Don’t give up on God, He is not going to give up on you! It really is pretty simple, God=Good, devil=bad.

Many Blessings to you today, the day that Elijah Jake Hasty celebrates his first birthday in Heaven……….one day, I am going to celebrate his birthdays with him…..it’s a promise.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013


"Carleigh, let me have your Ipad. I haven't been on Instagram in a while and I want to check up on you".

In a matter of about 30 seconds she was handing me her Ipad and scurrying back to her room.  I secretly hoped that I wouldn't find one bad thing on this social media thing she likes to get on.

You see, my children know that at any time Jeff or I will come and take their electronics and check up on them.  They also know that if they change their browser history they are in worse trouble.

As I scrolled trough things she posted I was relieved...she did good. No poses of her making pouty lips.  Some kids call it duck face. She tried that once and I told her it looks like she wants to kiss a boy.  She deleted that photo immediately.  All of her friends were posting pics like that.  However, it took one little comment from me and she couldn't delete it fast enough.  Do I think that it will be like this forever...ummm NO.  I was her age once too.  She didn't want boys to think she wanted to kiss them. She was just doing what she saw all of her friends doing.

Back to my story....what I saw on her profile was fine.  What I saw on the profile's of some of the 6th graders that I came to know in Emmitt's class was disturbing to say the least.

I saw many photos of 12 year old girls in SMALL bikinis posing sexy. I saw OOTD (outfit of the day) which consisted of belly shirts and shorts that were barely there.  Not even a face in the pic...just her little 12 year old tween body.  I saw girls calling each other horrible names, and others sad over the mean words.

I saw boys in his class flipping the camera off numerous times, talking about being "sexy" (makes me cringe), saying F-you to others and calling each other names that I would never repeat.

I wanted to scream and have since then "WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS?"

If I were to look at the group dynamics of the class, I would probably say these are the popular kids. (If you believe in cliques).

I finally had to just stop looking at these pictures because I was sick to my stomach.  These poor kids.

Since I was once their age I know the pressures they have.  Pressures to fit in, be popular, pretty, wanted by other tweens.  Looking back on my life though I can honestly say those feelings didn't hit me until about age 14 NOT 12 year old 6th graders.

My humble opinion is that social media makes it really easy to be someone your not. Say things that aren't true and feel valued by the number of "likes" you've gotten.

My son had his first girlfriend this year.  By girlfriend I mean they texted each other and NEVER actually said two words to each other in real life.  He realized by about week two that having a girlfriend wasn't as much fun as he thought.  She always wanted to talk about her feelings.  He broke her heart.  Me being the crazy women I am just wanted to sit down with her and have a nice long chat about not growing up too soon.  But I refrained for his sake.

Electronics now have made it super easy for us to say and do things that we never would have the nerve to do in real life.  Which makes me worry for our sweet children.

For me acting like that, talking like that and behaving like that isn't even about being a "Christian".  It's just about trying to be a good person in general.  I believe that we are all born with a still small voice inside of us letting us know right from wrong. (Some call it the Holy Spirit).

I have made SO MANY (I cannot make those words large enough) mistakes in my life.   I used to wear tons of makeup (and humongo hair) to be pretty.  I wanted boys to like me and think I was pretty.  I too wore short skirts. I wanted other girls to think I was the nicest, smartest, most talented person they knew. Did I mention that my hair was huge? I digress.

Then one day something for me just clicked.  I no longer cared. My confidence came from within.  I knew who I was and if they didn't like me so what. I wasn't going to change to fit in. I stopped listening to who they thought I was and started believing in what God said I was.  I didn't want to be labeled popular but as someone who was nice regardless of any differences we had.

If you ask me there is nothing better or more desirable than a sweet man (such as my sweet hubby) who isn't afraid to tell others how he feels, leads by a Godly example, and is a wonderful father and provider.  I feel that women are much more attractive when they aren't showing their business. When they are great wives, encouragers, homemakers, and have enough self worth to know that they don't need men fawning over them.  They have just what they need in their spouses and what they cannot get from them God can provide.

My prayer for my children (and your children) is that they figure out who they are sooner than I did.  That they realize their self worth is not dependent on the number of boys (or girls) that say they like them.  That spewing 100 cuss words in a row doesn't make them any cooler than they were.  It just makes them look immature.

So I'm giving you a heads up.  If you are friends with my kiddos on Instagram or Facebook one day and you see something on there that might be a red flag, LET ME KNOW. PLEASE.  You know that saying it takes a village to raise a child? The older they get the more I understand that I cannot do this parenting thing on my own.  I need my husband, family and friends to come along side me and pour into my children what we have learned in life, the good, the bad and the ugly.

 I'm not gullible enough to believe that there won't be hiccups in raising them.  However, I believe that God will give me wisdom to parent them.  My bedtime prayer is this:

"Dear Heavenly Father, I'm asking you tonight to help me be a better parent to my children. Help my children learn at an early age that they are who YOU say they are and not what others say.  Give me wisdom when I feel that they may be going down a wrong path to help them get back on track. Help me to not just look out for my children but encourage other children as well to do what is right. Amen"

Thank you for your time.  I'm sure not all of you are going to agree with what I have just said.  Let's just disagree agreeably ok? Ha.


Monday, June 17, 2013

My laundry basket runneth over.

As I went over the calendar for the week I felt a small panic attack coming on. How on earth am I going to get everything done? I took a moment to pause and bring my heart rate back down and then proceeded to start preparing for the week.

As I went to each room in the house gathering piles of laundry and getting them to the laundry area I thought "God, my laundry basket runneth over!"

We women (not just mothers) constantly have to find balance in housework, our spouses, our work outside the home, ministry for some of us, and let's not forget raising up little human beings to be responsible, smart, assets to society.  Oh, and then maybe just maybe we can squeeze in a little time for us. (Working out is my guilty pleasure).

I typically tend to be the woman who overschedules and signs up for things even when I don't really have time for them.  Have you ever heard the saying "If you want to get something done ask a busy person?"  That's me.  Although I recognize it and am learning to say no it's still a huge work in process for me.  So because I'm busy instead of looking forward to the day to day tasks of life I sometimes just can't wait for the tasks to be over.

God cautioned me last night and I wanted to share it with you:

Be thankful for the laundry you have because it means your family has an abundance of clothes.

Be thankful for dirty dishes in the sink and dishwasher because that means your family had plenty of food to eat.

Be thankful for ministry no matter how busy you get because you are making changes in the Kingdom of God no matter how small the task.

Be thankful for a full calendar because it means your children, husband and you have friends and family that care about them and want to spend time with them.

Be thankful for housework because it means you have a roof over your head.

Be thankful even when you have to pay high gas prices because it means you have transportation.

Do you get my point?  I could go on and on but I won't.  I'll let you decide how that works in your life.

My goal for today is to quit wishing things to be over and just be thankful.

My laundry basket, to do list, schedule, and most importantly cup runneth over today.

Have a fabulous week fabulous friends!


"And whatever you do, whether by speech or action, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

Thursday, June 13, 2013

For the amazing Fathers in my life....Thanks!

With Father's Day just around the corner I've been contemplating what I could do to show my appreciation for the fathers in my life.

Thankfully I have had many men of influence around me and now my children. So today I thought that I would share a little about each one of the men in our life that mean SO much to us.

Let's start with my Grandpa Thurman. (My dad's father).  He was a man of faith, he helped my Grandma raise 5 children, and did a pretty great job with my dad.  (I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a picture of him).

You may remember me talking about Grandpa King passing away a few years ago.  He was Jeff's grandpa on his moms side.  He was a true war hero and P.O.W. .  He was a sweet man who took care of Jeff's grandma like a queen.  I love this picture taken of Jeff and his grandpa at the last birthday party we had for him before he passed away.  He died at the young age of 90!

Then there is my PawPaw. I know, I know, as much as I have talked and blogged about him lately I'm sure you feel like you know him already.  But you see, he was not just a great father/grandfather but an AMAZING (yes,  I used the word that gets over used a lot but there is not better word to describe him) man.  I could tell you stories that my mom and her siblings had of him growing up, and then there are my own stories with him.  I miss him everyday and this is his first Father's Day in Heaven.

I cannot forgot to mention Jeff's brother Chuck who has poured into Jeff's life and our children's lives as well.  He is a wonderful father to my niece and nephew and has such a loving spirit when it comes to them.  Such a great example for Jeff to follow.

Then we have my sisters husband "Uncle Tommy".  Though he and Angie have never had biological children they do a pretty darn good job of taking care of my babies.  Tom has been known on occasion to spend MORE than Jeff and I do on them at Christmas.  He's a big kid at heart and loves to lavish them with fun things.  Recently Emmitt had a fishing field trip and wanted his Uncle to go with him on it.  I love this picture of the two of them.

Someone else that we have been blessed to have in our lives is PawPaw Neal. (Jeff's moms husband).  He is THE BEST grandpa to my babies.  He's always has a joke to tell, snacks to give them, and they always have so much fun with him.  He is a wonderful man.  This picture fits his personality to a tee.  Funny guy.

Then there is Jeff's dad, Mike.  He lives in Indiana so we don't get to see him much. He is a cowboy.  Always wearing a straw cowboy hat and his dirty brown boots.  If you talk to Jeff very long about him you will notice that he holds a special place in Jeff's heart. My children love their Grandpa Hasty.

I cannot forget to talk about my Father, El Roy Thurman Jr. (He often goes by J.R. or Junior).  I can honestly say he is such a sweet man.  Growing up he always put our needs before his and there are times that I remember him working so much I don't know how he had time to sleep?  He's always there for us to lend a helping hand and has been known to clean my house for me while we were gone on vacation "just because". How lucky am I?

I want to end this by talking about the father of MY children.  My baby daddy.  My love. My king.  We had no idea when we started this journey called life together so many years ago that we would be the father of Emmitt, Carleigh, Delaney and our angel babies, Jordan, Mia and Elijah.  6 kids?  Are you kidding me?  Being a father has been so natural for him from the start.  There were the midnight feedings that he helped with, a countless supply of dirty diapers, many tears wiped away, books read, balls thrown, numerous I Love Yous said, messes cleaned, jobs to pay for their needs, homework he has helped with, and many, many, many more things I could go on about that he has done.  Thankfully my children get an example of a hard working, Godly, wife honoring, and honest father.  Everything he does is for us, his family.  He sacrifices, pours out to us, prays for us and lifts us up when we are week and need help.  He has been by best friend for many years and I know that my children will say that about him one day also when they are older.  I'm still pinching myself in thinking that my children get HIM for a father.  Blessed isn't an adequate word for it.  

So to all the fathers in my life I want to say a great big THANKS!  Our lives are better because of you. 


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Power of Telling Your Story

Hello all!

Some of you have been asking for me to repost me speaking about my story.  Thankfully my story isn't finished yet. Below is the link to it.


I also wanted to include a video that I did for an Author named Pamela Sonnenmoser.  This was a promo for her amazing book that she released about infertility called Beside The Empty Cradle.  So blessed to be a part of this project.  Definitely helped the healing process to help others.


I hope you enjoy them.  Thank you for being a part of my journey.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

In pursuit of FUN!

I'm not going to lie, the last month has been really hard.  With my PawPaw's passing, the crazy end of the school year schedule, and Jeff finishing up his college.  I have been stressed, sad, and busy and felt guilty for feeling all of those things.

So to counteract the fact that things have been hard I have found myself trying to make everything "FUN".  With play dates, movie nights, sleepovers, Worlds Of Fun trips, and much more.

This is what I have sounded like: Did you have fun? Won't that be such fun? What would you like to do for fun? Wasn't that fun? I want to have fun.  Notice the pattern?

My mother in law posted something on Facebook yesterday that I thought was beautiful.  This is what she said:

We take so much for granted. I am sitting on my back deck looking out at our beautiful yard. My rosé garden is more beautiful than ever. The grass is so green. The trees are extended with their branches high in the air with the leaves waving at each other. Birds are talking to each other in a language only they can understand. In the distance I hear a mower. The beauty of God's Grace is bestowed on our earth.

In thinking about what she wrote I realized that I have been taking things for granted in my pursuit of fun.

You see I've been so busy pursuing fun I haven't really been having any.  Dare I say I've taken the little things for granted this past month?

I decided last night that I'm going to try even harder to not take things for granted.

Like the fact that my mother and father have always been there for us.  That they have been married for 42 years now through life's ups and downs.  

Or the fact that my husband is a great father and such a provider for our family that I was able to stay at home and watch my children grow for 11 years.  That he loves me for better or worse (trust me), for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.  We have had all of that in the last 16 years we have been married.

Or that my mother in law raised him well and she is where he gets his tender heart from.

Of the fact that my children are beautiful, healthy, intelligent, spirited beings.

May I never forget to be thankful for having a roof over my head, or clothes and food for my family.

I need to remember that my sister after many years of struggling with not having children, health issues and weight is finally in a happy place.  And that she has a husband who adores her.

May I never take for granted my amazing church and church family.  They have been there for us through our darkest moment in life.  

Or that my niece still likes to hang out with me at 23 years old.

Or that we own our own vehicles and home.

That I live in a country where I can be free to worship my God.  

I could go on for days about what I am thankful for but often take for granted.

Today I'm starting a new pattern.  I'm going to look for things around me to be thankful for and not miss the little things I take for granted.  Would you join me?

On a good day, enjoy yourself;
On a bad day, examine your consequence.
God arranges for you both kind of days,
So that you won't take anything for granted.

Ecclesiastes 7:14   (The Messege Bible)