Thursday, June 13, 2013

For the amazing Fathers in my life....Thanks!

With Father's Day just around the corner I've been contemplating what I could do to show my appreciation for the fathers in my life.

Thankfully I have had many men of influence around me and now my children. So today I thought that I would share a little about each one of the men in our life that mean SO much to us.

Let's start with my Grandpa Thurman. (My dad's father).  He was a man of faith, he helped my Grandma raise 5 children, and did a pretty great job with my dad.  (I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a picture of him).

You may remember me talking about Grandpa King passing away a few years ago.  He was Jeff's grandpa on his moms side.  He was a true war hero and P.O.W. .  He was a sweet man who took care of Jeff's grandma like a queen.  I love this picture taken of Jeff and his grandpa at the last birthday party we had for him before he passed away.  He died at the young age of 90!

Then there is my PawPaw. I know, I know, as much as I have talked and blogged about him lately I'm sure you feel like you know him already.  But you see, he was not just a great father/grandfather but an AMAZING (yes,  I used the word that gets over used a lot but there is not better word to describe him) man.  I could tell you stories that my mom and her siblings had of him growing up, and then there are my own stories with him.  I miss him everyday and this is his first Father's Day in Heaven.

I cannot forgot to mention Jeff's brother Chuck who has poured into Jeff's life and our children's lives as well.  He is a wonderful father to my niece and nephew and has such a loving spirit when it comes to them.  Such a great example for Jeff to follow.

Then we have my sisters husband "Uncle Tommy".  Though he and Angie have never had biological children they do a pretty darn good job of taking care of my babies.  Tom has been known on occasion to spend MORE than Jeff and I do on them at Christmas.  He's a big kid at heart and loves to lavish them with fun things.  Recently Emmitt had a fishing field trip and wanted his Uncle to go with him on it.  I love this picture of the two of them.

Someone else that we have been blessed to have in our lives is PawPaw Neal. (Jeff's moms husband).  He is THE BEST grandpa to my babies.  He's always has a joke to tell, snacks to give them, and they always have so much fun with him.  He is a wonderful man.  This picture fits his personality to a tee.  Funny guy.

Then there is Jeff's dad, Mike.  He lives in Indiana so we don't get to see him much. He is a cowboy.  Always wearing a straw cowboy hat and his dirty brown boots.  If you talk to Jeff very long about him you will notice that he holds a special place in Jeff's heart. My children love their Grandpa Hasty.

I cannot forget to talk about my Father, El Roy Thurman Jr. (He often goes by J.R. or Junior).  I can honestly say he is such a sweet man.  Growing up he always put our needs before his and there are times that I remember him working so much I don't know how he had time to sleep?  He's always there for us to lend a helping hand and has been known to clean my house for me while we were gone on vacation "just because". How lucky am I?

I want to end this by talking about the father of MY children.  My baby daddy.  My love. My king.  We had no idea when we started this journey called life together so many years ago that we would be the father of Emmitt, Carleigh, Delaney and our angel babies, Jordan, Mia and Elijah.  6 kids?  Are you kidding me?  Being a father has been so natural for him from the start.  There were the midnight feedings that he helped with, a countless supply of dirty diapers, many tears wiped away, books read, balls thrown, numerous I Love Yous said, messes cleaned, jobs to pay for their needs, homework he has helped with, and many, many, many more things I could go on about that he has done.  Thankfully my children get an example of a hard working, Godly, wife honoring, and honest father.  Everything he does is for us, his family.  He sacrifices, pours out to us, prays for us and lifts us up when we are week and need help.  He has been by best friend for many years and I know that my children will say that about him one day also when they are older.  I'm still pinching myself in thinking that my children get HIM for a father.  Blessed isn't an adequate word for it.  

So to all the fathers in my life I want to say a great big THANKS!  Our lives are better because of you. 


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