Monday, June 17, 2013

My laundry basket runneth over.

As I went over the calendar for the week I felt a small panic attack coming on. How on earth am I going to get everything done? I took a moment to pause and bring my heart rate back down and then proceeded to start preparing for the week.

As I went to each room in the house gathering piles of laundry and getting them to the laundry area I thought "God, my laundry basket runneth over!"

We women (not just mothers) constantly have to find balance in housework, our spouses, our work outside the home, ministry for some of us, and let's not forget raising up little human beings to be responsible, smart, assets to society.  Oh, and then maybe just maybe we can squeeze in a little time for us. (Working out is my guilty pleasure).

I typically tend to be the woman who overschedules and signs up for things even when I don't really have time for them.  Have you ever heard the saying "If you want to get something done ask a busy person?"  That's me.  Although I recognize it and am learning to say no it's still a huge work in process for me.  So because I'm busy instead of looking forward to the day to day tasks of life I sometimes just can't wait for the tasks to be over.

God cautioned me last night and I wanted to share it with you:

Be thankful for the laundry you have because it means your family has an abundance of clothes.

Be thankful for dirty dishes in the sink and dishwasher because that means your family had plenty of food to eat.

Be thankful for ministry no matter how busy you get because you are making changes in the Kingdom of God no matter how small the task.

Be thankful for a full calendar because it means your children, husband and you have friends and family that care about them and want to spend time with them.

Be thankful for housework because it means you have a roof over your head.

Be thankful even when you have to pay high gas prices because it means you have transportation.

Do you get my point?  I could go on and on but I won't.  I'll let you decide how that works in your life.

My goal for today is to quit wishing things to be over and just be thankful.

My laundry basket, to do list, schedule, and most importantly cup runneth over today.

Have a fabulous week fabulous friends!


"And whatever you do, whether by speech or action, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

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