Thursday, June 6, 2013

In pursuit of FUN!

I'm not going to lie, the last month has been really hard.  With my PawPaw's passing, the crazy end of the school year schedule, and Jeff finishing up his college.  I have been stressed, sad, and busy and felt guilty for feeling all of those things.

So to counteract the fact that things have been hard I have found myself trying to make everything "FUN".  With play dates, movie nights, sleepovers, Worlds Of Fun trips, and much more.

This is what I have sounded like: Did you have fun? Won't that be such fun? What would you like to do for fun? Wasn't that fun? I want to have fun.  Notice the pattern?

My mother in law posted something on Facebook yesterday that I thought was beautiful.  This is what she said:

We take so much for granted. I am sitting on my back deck looking out at our beautiful yard. My rosé garden is more beautiful than ever. The grass is so green. The trees are extended with their branches high in the air with the leaves waving at each other. Birds are talking to each other in a language only they can understand. In the distance I hear a mower. The beauty of God's Grace is bestowed on our earth.

In thinking about what she wrote I realized that I have been taking things for granted in my pursuit of fun.

You see I've been so busy pursuing fun I haven't really been having any.  Dare I say I've taken the little things for granted this past month?

I decided last night that I'm going to try even harder to not take things for granted.

Like the fact that my mother and father have always been there for us.  That they have been married for 42 years now through life's ups and downs.  

Or the fact that my husband is a great father and such a provider for our family that I was able to stay at home and watch my children grow for 11 years.  That he loves me for better or worse (trust me), for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.  We have had all of that in the last 16 years we have been married.

Or that my mother in law raised him well and she is where he gets his tender heart from.

Of the fact that my children are beautiful, healthy, intelligent, spirited beings.

May I never forget to be thankful for having a roof over my head, or clothes and food for my family.

I need to remember that my sister after many years of struggling with not having children, health issues and weight is finally in a happy place.  And that she has a husband who adores her.

May I never take for granted my amazing church and church family.  They have been there for us through our darkest moment in life.  

Or that my niece still likes to hang out with me at 23 years old.

Or that we own our own vehicles and home.

That I live in a country where I can be free to worship my God.  

I could go on for days about what I am thankful for but often take for granted.

Today I'm starting a new pattern.  I'm going to look for things around me to be thankful for and not miss the little things I take for granted.  Would you join me?

On a good day, enjoy yourself;
On a bad day, examine your consequence.
God arranges for you both kind of days,
So that you won't take anything for granted.

Ecclesiastes 7:14   (The Messege Bible)

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